I just really miss the audio stuff. It seems we go weeks (if not longer) at times with nothing but a jerry del colliano article to humor us.
All the audio content has dried up.
I was so happy to see the two recent intro articles by Jacob which gene posted!!!!
I guess maybe the politics don’t matter if there is real audio content.
I think the 2021 Yamaha AVR thread is a great example of this failure. It took so long for some of the promised content to come out that the thread ran wild as a Yamaha owners club.

but to this day, I don’t think the listening test/review has ever been posted!
And that, to me, is what AH overall feels like right now.
Some of the you tube stuff was cool, but felt like an attempt to rebrand. I would watch some stuff that was of interest when it was introduced here on the forum, but I don’t live on YT and the intros here largely stopped. Content that should be here started showing up only on YT… I asked about something one time and shady replied that it was tucked away in s certain tab on the ah YT page.
All of this is to say that the model is fractured.
I’m ok with change, but this is the core of that model and watching it wither is kind of sad.