i need some opions on equipment please



Junior Audioholic
i am putting togegher my fist system i im just going off they fly i really dont know what im doing i reallly need some feed back on equipment ive searched for 3 days days now and ive narrowed what i believe i want to 2 of each things and cant decide whats better cuz i dont know. (((should i get onkyo tx-sr605 for 399$ or the sony str-dg810 for 350$ keep in mind i want the better of the 2 50$ not big diff. i want all hdmi hook up (audio/vidio) and best for speakers))))) should i get the sony floor standing speakers son ssf7000 for 280.00$ or dcm floor standing speakers mtx dcm26 for 199$ i would to save the 80$ difference if i could and the sony speakers are not much better if at all))))))should i get the polk 10" sub plk psw 10 bk for 199$ or the sony sa-w3ooo sub for 199$)))))) should i get the sony center speaker ss-cn5000 for 99$ or the polk audio m center speaker plkcsm for 129$ please help if u could ur opion counts alot is any of this stuff even compatiable? what would u guys get? ps im still lookin for some back speakers that arent to expensive that i can put up on the wall any suggestions ??? thanks alot for any help!!


Senior Audioholic
I haven't looked at that model Sony receiver but I can't say I've ever had any problems with mine. Most people will probably recommend the Onkyo, they do more accurately list their specs, so on that front I would probably say the Onkyo.

Now for speakers, stay away from the Sony's, they are known for electronics not speakers. You want to look for speakers from the same company and if you can same model line for the 5 or 7 surrounds, which ever you're going with. If you like the DCM or Polk I would look into a full setup from one of those companies.

As for the sub it doesn't need to be from the same company so find one that you like and fits your budget.

Now with all that said what is your budget so we can get an idea of things to recommend? And for most of us 3 days is nothing when it comes to the amount of time we look for new equipment. I've been looking for a TV for 5 months now, just to give you an idea.



Audioholic Ninja
The Yammie 663 should be out soon and I would choose it over the Onkyo 605.

As for speakers, you have to get out and audition as everyone's taste is different and there are loads of good brands to choose from. Some good storefront ones to check out are RBH, Monitor Audio, Paradigm, and PSB. Internet-direct is also a good option such as av123, Axiom, and Aperion.

For a subwoofer, check out the offerings from SVS and HSU. They aren't the only players in the game, but can't go wrong with them and they offer a lot of bang-for-buck.


Junior Audioholic

i can pull about 1000$ together. i know 3 days is nothing i didnt mean it in that fashion, im just a noob who spent 72 hrs straight online trying to under stand which factors need to be known in shopping for equipment and compatability. plus ive waited so long to get a system im about to bust lol thanks for any help


Audioholic Chief
I agree with matalli here. I think the cheapest subwoofer that has low bass extension to 20 Hz is the SVS PB10 at $429. Anything less than that you will be missing the low bass punch in special effects for TV and DVDs, or Blu-Ray. If there is one thing to do right in your HT setup, the subwoofer is it. You can get by with less receiver and even less speaker because the subwoofer does the bass for all channels. If you buy a cheaper subwoofer, you will be missing a lot of the HT experience.


Junior Audioholic
very costly hobby

this is getting to be very expensive way more then i would have hoped for but i also dont wana buy some cheap and regret it later. u dont 200$ is good enough for a sub cuz thats a 1000$ only for sub and receiver i dont have that money now or later i wont be able to buy a $1500+ system im maxed out on the 1000$ and thats going on my card not cashwhat the hell am i gona do not get nothing then ill never have a system!!


Audioholic Chief
Sorry, I did not know your budget is $1000, but what I said about the subwoofer is still true. In that price range a lot of people have been going for an Onkyo HTIB. It will show up if you use the forum search function and put in “HTIB”. I am not sure what price it is but I think it is less than $1000. Then if there is any left over I would put it towards buying a PB10 when you are able. The one thing HTIB subwoofers are missing is low end punch. If you substitute in a PB10 you might have something pretty good.


Junior Audioholic

i was leaning toward a htib in the start then i was convinced not go go that route and it does make sence but theres the money issue im finding it kinda hard to believe i cant piece together something more then decent for a 1000$ and there one thing i know i want no matter what,and that is full hdmi vidio and audio and i havent seen a htib that gives me that unless i spend at least a 1000$ or more any way. so why buy out of a box when i can get seperate?is it safe to say that whatever i buy thats decent will be a better set up then pre packaged goods?


Audioholic Overlord
Something like the SVS 5.1 set up(http://www.svsound.com/products-sys-sbs_black.cfm) is about the closest thing I can thing of that will be in your budget and an awesome system. Call them and see if they have any b-products that they can switch out for you or even consider just a 3.1 set up from them. Add an inexpensive AVR and a 100 buck DVD player and you have a system that will blow any HTIB out of the water.
i was leaning toward a htib in the start then i was convinced not go go that route and it does make sence but theres the money issue im finding it kinda hard to believe i cant piece together something more then decent for a 1000$ and there one thing i know i want no matter what,and that is full hdmi vidio and audio and i havent seen a htib that gives me that unless i spend at least a 1000$ or more any way. so why buy out of a box when i can get seperate?is it safe to say that whatever i buy thats decent will be a better set up then pre packaged goods?


Audioholic Chief
Sam187, I am sympathetic to your search but you should work one thread at time for this question so people don’t have to reply multiple times on essentially the same question..

Ok, I think I have something here.

Forum on Onkyo HTIB for $449.99


Crutchfield Onkyo System Description and Price


SVS PB10-NSD Website $429.


You could buy this Onkyo HTIB for $449 and the SVS PB10 for $429 totaling $878. Room to pay for shipping and probably still under $1000.

You could build up from here and basically replace the HTIB if you want to move upscale while keeping the PB10. The PB10 recommendation is based on a medium or small room. If you have a large room there might be better choices, but this subwoofer is good enough to keep and just add another one if you need it in the future.

I’m not sure everyone shares my values on the importance of the subwoofer, but that’s why we have the forum. Everyone pitch in if you can think of something better.


Junior Audioholic

sorry about the threads this was my first time ever posting in forums so i didnt know what to do really then people were answering so i was just answering back not to have multiple threads but because it was already up and thanks for all ur help in all my threads lol


Full Audioholic

Don't be afraid of used equipment. Go look at a pawn shop and see what they hve for receivers (write down model #s) and research them. I was able to pick up an Onkyo 602 cheap. Yes it's not the newest model but I bet you couldn't tell the difference in sound from the 605. The HSU sub mentioned is a good sub. Look at this site for speakers:


or better yet, check this out


Hope this helps


Junior Audioholic
is there some thing like this

this is a review of those links u gave.(very much appreseated )do u know if there is a htib that has the audio capabilitys of hdmi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Onkyo HT-SR800 this unit if you plan to use it as a home theatre system. It has HDMI inputs and outputs, BUT THEY DON'T PASS AUDIO! The whole beauty of HDMI is one cable for everything, but ONKYO has only added the plugs to fool you into buying their unit. You still have to use the regular audio plugs, in addition to the HDMI cable. If I had known this, I never would have bought it. I wasted a whole day trying to get it to work, because ONKYO isn't honest enough to warn you about this in the manual. This system is great overall, so it's a shame that some sleazy executive chose the low road, and resorted to misleading us like this. I'll never buy another ONKYO products again: you can't trust people qho behave like this.


Full Audioholic

With your budget I would not get to wrapped up about HDMI


Junior Audioholic
with a 1000$ i cant get hdmi????????? how come? if i were to buy that htib and a new receiver that has the hdmi audio i would still be under a 1000$ but why wast money if i can get it the first time why buy some thing and dont use it and buy a new 1 ? im wondering there has to be something out there for me? no????


Full Audioholic
denon and mirage

Just so you know Denon is a very respected brand and so is Mirage. For $549 that deal is hard to beat and would blow away a HTIB system.


Junior Audioholic
Just so you know Denon is a very respected brand and so is Mirage. For $549 that deal is hard to beat and would blow away a HTIB system.
i never said they werent????? and what deal is 549 ????


Full Audioholic
All I am saying is there is more to systems than HDMI. So you might have to use a few more cables it won't hurt you and if careful you can hide the cables pretty easy. Don't assume that HDMI is gonna improve the system as much as you think.


Junior Audioholic
look im sorry

i like hdmi i want hdmi........hdmi is the best why should i down grade what equipment i have using diff audio ???? when im running nothing hdmi at the moment?nothing compaires!!!

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