

Seriously, I have no life.
Yup.... being a VET, she got us some really good deals on the H&K's and the Carbine.... My buddy is really good friends with the owners there.

She's always pissed at me... hehheh :) Maybe its just in preparation. :eek::D
Badger needs to do a better job of screening out the straw buyers and being greedy. I heard someone ask one of the guys behind the counter if they take Amex and he said "I'd take a library card if I could get money from it". The guy who asked was clearly not able to buy a gun legally since he told them he wanted to have his mother sign for it and that he's be back in an hour if he could take the application home with him.

James NM

Ninja Glock

No gun collection is complete without at least one Ninja Glock.

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Seriously, I have no life.
No gun collection is complete without at least one Ninja Glock.
Wow. Nucular rounds, plastic poison bullets, the scope lets you see into the future and the cutting laser cuts any material instantly, but it didn't cut through his glove or burn his hand. Must be Ninja gloves.



Republican Poster Boy
LOL what a load. Dummy did not even get the magazines correct. Those were 17rd magazines tops he said they were 100rd.

100rd pistol magazine would look something like this HK mag.


James NM

LOL what a load. Dummy did not even get the magazines correct...
The magazine capacity was not the only thing problematic with the video.:)

Interesting that you picked out that one issue though.;)


Senior Audioholic
Anyone tried the bump firing?

Have you tried the bump firing?

Making the semi pistol like in full auto.

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I just picked this one up recently and its really fun to shoot:

The SIG 522...

Have put about 800 rounds through it in the few weeks I've had it.

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