Yea, I haven't heard Revel F208. But going by the specs they are close to the Salk Song 3. 88 db sensitive 8 ohm, 8 inch woofer, beefy heavy cabinetry. The Satori 8" woofer Salk uses is probably better since you only need 1 to get 88 db sensitivity. Revel is doubling up on woofers to get 88 db sensitivity, and you wont get phase cancellation issues from the Satori 8" woofer like you would with 2 woofers. Salk also makes much better, beautifully finished cabinets, and they are $2000 less than the Revel. I'm guessing that the Raal tweeter sounds alot better than the aluminum tweeter Revel has, I've never like aluminum tweeters personally.
I've listened to the Paradigm Persona towers at Axpona, I liked the Salks better personally.