Yesterday i opened up my MBM-12 & stuffed it with polyfill. It already had fiberglass on all the walls. But since it can be ran in a ported mode, HSU leaves the middle unfilled. I run it sealed so i wanted to see what polyfill would do to the sound.
It did 2 things.
1. It made it about 1dB quieter.
2. It gave it a more solid, deep & tighter sound.
I really like the new effect. So to compensate, i turned the volume up 1dB.
I still run my MBM-12 flat with my speakers but i took Matt34's advice & am now running my VTF-15h 2dBs hot.
The combination of the MBM being filled & the 15h 2dBs higher really made a big difference. I am continually impressed with the performance of these subs!! Very very pleased!!