- ACD output test, especially the 7 channel driven results, are not that important. It depends a lot on how the manufacturers set up their protective circuitry. Yamaha seemed to set theirs up to shutdown at lower level and quicker, so for the so called "continuous" measurements that probably meant to be for 5 seconds (THX?) or up to 5 minutes (FTC?) and that might have put them in disadvantage on the S&V's 5,7 channel driven test results. I have tried many times searching for the various definitions of "continuous" and found nothing conclusive, but I am sure Gene could shed some light on that. It is most frequently associated with using continuous sine waves, 1 kHz or full bandwidth 20-20,000 Hz for "x" minutes, definitely not meant to be literally continuous.
AH has at least one good article (such as this
ONE) on the all channel driven topic for those interested to read. Even if you are too busy, I highly recommend you at least read page 5.