Never sure what to say in this feild
I think I'm gonna have the repair guy who recently put up my TV build something like Alex's table contraption. If the vent was near the ground I'd do the same thing with a table, but it's 3 or so feet off the ground (from the bottom not the top), so I'm not sure what pieces of thrift store furniture I could use, unless I put a small table on top of a cart or something, and it would have to fit the dimensions pretty well. I don't have space or tools for woodwork
He said he could do it for $75 which seems pretty good for hand work. Should I have him use Roxul board or another soundproofing, and is it more or less expensive than the alternatives? I could make it out of a cardboard box, and put it on a cart, but that seems less permanent.
I wasn't sure if I should have him install something on the wall that changes the intake direction, or make a tall version of what Alex has. Correct me if you disagree, but I think I should do the tall version of Alex's table, so I can move it in front when I watch or listen to something, and take it away when not needing the quiet. Should I have him put some kind of foam or rubber around to edge that meets the wall to make it more sound proof? Also, should I have him put the sound proofing, lets say Roxul board between the 2X4 plank (I'm assuming) skeleton, or should I have him put wood boards behind the soundproofing? Is a skeleton like the table with soundproofing enough? Like I said, I think it should stand on the floor so I can move it when not needed. Does anyone think I should have another design?
As for the fan: It could be off center or the belt of center or something, but I don't know how to check for that. I could see if the repair guy could check for it, or if he has a friend that could check for it, or could ask the landlord to, but remember that it is not a mechanical sound it is the sound of the air that is so loud; it could be off center or something causing the air to go in a noisier way, but it's not a noisy motor. If I put a cushion over the grill for a bit (where the air holds it) the sound is greatly diminished.
I'll ask the landlord to take a look. I haven't asked the repair guy to do anything yet, so if there are any specific suggestions like Roxul board get them in now. Ironically heater weather is leaving us, and I don't have my surround system up fully yet, but it's getting there.