Jeez, sts9fan- now you've got Sheep on me, too!
Anger? I think you're misreading my post. You should have seen bemusement, not anger. No, I used to kick the crap out of Rastas for fun back in preschool.
I merely got a kick out of your stale argument that I just hadn't heard the really good stuff. You see this with rap for example. Like so-
Kid: I'll bet your stereo really cranks with rap.
Me: Actually I don't listen to rap on it.
Kid: Why not?
Me: Honestly I just don't care for it.
Kid: Oh, man- dat' is whack' dog! That's just cos you ain't never heard _________ (insert generic, interchangeable gangsta here; perhaps $.50, maybe 2PumpShakur, makes no diff).
With you, the same dialog except with some other Reggae dude I don't like. C'mon, do really think a guy as into music and gear as me, and of my age, could have lived this long without being exposed to as much of it, if not more, than you? I don't think it's even possible to go to a state college without having at least a couple buddies that are the stereotypical hippy dude (tie-dye shirt, big dreads, bong smoke wafting out from under the dorm room door- the one with the life sized poster of Marley).
Been there, done that, got the (tie dyed) T-shirt!
No, not angry at all. I just think it's funny, that's all. Irony doesn't always work well in print.
Peace out, brudda!