There is nothing wrong with exchanging information. Isn't that the point of this forum?
mtrycrafts said:
Yes, that is the idea of this forum, discussions. But in the end, on this issue, nothing will be solved, it seems..
You are in too much of a hurry. My work life deals in projects that take a while. The current one will not turn on until 2020, and yet I've already built and tested prototype hardware and new software algorithms.
My basement lab will not be ready until about fall of 2007. That's ok, I plan to be there when it happens..
Rushing has it's issues. That is what the biggies you evoke have done. Successful, yes...correct?...hmmm
I do not have the time to teach them what they need to know.
mtrycrafts said:
[Then, it seems, nothing will be learned by them or the next generation..
Perhaps by "them", but the next generation, you are incorrect.
My skin theory depiction of toroidal eddy currents is already showing up in the textbooks that will teach the next generation. My current slew rate based skin theory will eventually make it to the textbooks. My analysis of the relationship between L, C, mu, and epsilon will also get there eventually.
Fewer people cite that erroneous skin theory paper which disregards the internal inductance of a wire. Motor-generator is dying away, grain boundary..known as silly..
Human localization theory will begin to change.
The direction is correct, even if not fast enough for takes time to change the foundation, and I am not interested in convincing the students, but rather, the professors.
That is an issue if one desires to publish..
Cheers, John
mtrycrafts said:
[Or, wants to advance the state of knowledge in a field, no? I don't see anything will be expanded on this otherwise.
Premature publishing serves no-one. The foundation is required first.
I also learn from the discussions. The ideas of others can significantly differ from mine, and that is good.
Cheers, John