mtrycrafts said:
Well, we could start comparing amps with different DF and see if one can audibly differentiate between them, no?
There have been a few amp comparisons in the past, nothing have been found to attribute known audible differences to DF but to other well known issues. The rest, all null.
I like to start with a listening test first, then find answers if there is one. But, that is just me, and maybe a few other poor souls
I don't see why there would be rms issues or phase shift issues involved here.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again, but yet, still expecting a different outcome.
Comparing amps audibly? Why expect a different outcome? It's a waste of time until a clear definition of what to look for has been established.
I have not seen anybody define actual measurements which are capable of discerning the damping factor of an amp while it is pushing a reactive load. In point of fact, most amplifier designers are clueless as to the relevant die temperature and the instantaneous parametric changes that occur
on the silicon die during the wild dissipation swings of reactive would take a while to teach them what is going on within the first coupla hundred microinches of the silicon during reactive loading, as well as the e/m enviro of the amp. Unless these issues fry their designs, they will remain oblivious to them.
They do not believe they need to learn this, so there is no use in trying..
As for audibility, I've also seen squat with respect to how we compensate for subtle alterations of imaging parameters, especially with respect to the settling time for our perceptions, so again, we use a slowly responding instrument to measure a rapidly changing signal.. More listening tests..insanity, by definition.
So, even if somebody thought they heard something different, regardless of the inadequacy of the listening regimen, there is nothing out there to actually correlate the audibility to with respect to actual ele measure..unless one considered the color of the amp faceplate perhaps?
RMS and phase: Look at what damping factor is...a measure of the ability to control the load. Simple sine based frequency response and delay are the only measures to date?? Geeze, can't remember last time I listened to sines..
The learning curve in front of us is steep enough to bump our nose..
Cheers, John