helppp!! not new to car audio but stuck on this...



Junior Audioholic
its pretty good.. i mean they dont hit as hard as i expected for the work and price for everything but im satisfied. thanks again guys.

i already asked this question but no one answered.. my friend has 2 rfr 1812 subs in a box that he bought. but they say online that there 8ohms.. what would be a decent amp under 150 that would push these under 500w rms?


Junior Audioholic
he wants a rockford fosgate amp around 400-500w that will power the subs above


Audioholic Spartan
The woofers should be wired parallel, and then bridged on the two-channel amp.

This means connecting both + and - from each woofer to the bridged locations of the amp. Follow the bridging instructions that come with the amp very carefully. Every amp is different.

He has the correct woofers for this application.

Two 8ohm SVC woofers wired parallel present a 4ohm load. That load connected to a 2-channel amp in bridged mode present a 4ohm bridged load. The amp recommended is specified to produce 600W@4ohm bridged.


I agree with zumbo here. You must fire the subs to the rear if you expect to get the most out of them.

Also, I would ensure that the polarity/wiring on your subs is correct. To see if you may have a polarity issue, disconnect one sub from the amplifier while the system is playing. (lift a negative speaker wire from the terminal cup on one woofer). If the system immediately seems to have more bass you have a wiring/polarity problem with the subs. To correct this you will have to then determine which woofer is wired incorrectly and fix this.

You new setup should completely blow away your old one. You are running more power (Nearly 2x more) with better drivers in a better enclosure in the same space.

Can you get a closeup pic of your crossover & gain settings on the amplifier as well?

Have you taken the steps I listed out prior to ensure your system is set up fairly close to optimum?


Junior Audioholic

i havent had the chance to change my settings on my amp. i need to unscrew it off of my center console again. but i will do it today and take a pic. i was about to but my camera died so i will do it later. but i have my subs facing the front of the car toward the windsheild now.. i had it facing both the trunk then facing the front and they both sound about the same. but i need to take the steps you said bcuz there defidently isnt a HUGE difference from my old system.. yeah its more accurate bass but doesnt hit much harder right now. but i will follow your amp steps later today


Junior Audioholic
i also have a small kenwood kac 7020 amp from the 80s but i dont know how anything about having more then one amp and how to hook it up. i have been looking thru my garage for the wiring kit bcuz i dont think they make them anymore


Junior Audioholic
but if they do let me know where i can buy one. bcuz i have a pair of these kickers right here and they are 90rms each i think.."+2-Way+Car+Speakers+with+Polypropylene+Cones+(Pair)/1677245.p?id=1218278290162&skuId=1677245&st=kicker 5 1/4"&cp=1&lp=3

i also have a pair of pioneer 5" speakers set up

these are the specs on the amp..

37W/ch rms 20Hz-30kHz <1%THD
0.007% THD@ 10W

so pretty much i need to know where to find the cables for this amp.. i asked the guy at rays electronics by my house and he said he doesnt think the make them anymore..


Junior Audioholic
ok i guess this thread is donee.....................

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