First post ever and just looking for some advice on buying a new solid surround system for 90% movie watching 5% ps3 and 5% music.
My budget is about 1500-2000.
I'm currently getting astouding deals at a local audio dealer that all seem really good i just want to make sure the equipment i'm buying isn't going to need to be replaced faster than i set it up and if i'm buying the right things. I've done a ton of reading and researching but still can't decide really what would suit me best.
Currently I am with an H/K avr 2650. This will sound horrible but i liked the look of it and thought it sounded pretty solid. Also seems to be an alright choice if you want to go with tower speakers which i do. However while doing research i've read about some pops and odd sounds coming out of the front right surround and i have heard them a couple of times so this made me start to look for something else. I paid $475 for the h/k 2650 it was a pretty great deal. At the shop they had the h/k 3650 for $700ish, onkyo 616 for just under $400, yamaha a720 for $610, and the onkyo 717 for $625ish. I really haven't considered anything outside of those few. I only need 4 hdmi hookups. I don't really use a second zone. I would like to stick with 7.1 or 7.2 but i don't see myself useing 2 seperate subs with the floor speakers throwing in bass also.
Speakers i went with the Klipsch rc-82II x2 floor speakers i got pair for $675 and the rc-62II center that i think i got the best deal of all on for under $300. For the back 4 speakers i am useing some 10 year old klipsch bookshelfs i had on an older system. The sub is a 10" cerwin vega that will probably be the only thing i don't replace.
I am a total pain in the *** when it comes to buying anything. I can never fully make a decision without second guessing myself. So i came here and am asking the question to any of you audio pro's out there. Did i make a good choice or should i have gone with something a tad diffrent? Currently i have about 1700 invested includeing the dvd br player.
I use direct tv and the H/K does add some clarity to the picture. I have a 55" panasonic gt50 for the flatscreen in the system. Also bought from the same store and sales manager.
So currently i have H/K 2650 and strongly considering changeing to the 717 or a720. Currently have the Klipsh refrence 82's and strongly considering changeing to a polk tsi400 or the insane deal on the energy v6.2's at vann's. The 82's are just kinda to large for my area basically they are about 2-3inches to tall(yeah i know thats being really picky) may just go to the 62's for towers and keep the 62 center also.
Anyway please give advice or suggestions of any kind would be appreciated. Thank you.