Help on picking an amp



Snap said:
4. I love QSC amps. Like I mentioned above I have several of them. I actually perfure them to Crown. (NO STONE THROWING.... that it just my PREF!)
Only because you can't afford a Crown! :D Just kidding.
I've got a Crown CTs powering some floor speakers and it actually sounds better than any other amps I've used. It only has a damping factor of 3000! I'll have to agree that the fan is a bit noisy during low passages or volume.


Audioholic Samurai
.....Snap, I can't see how you could "love" QSC amps and say a surround receiver outdetailed them, even though in a PM you laid ground you were only familiar with the base model QSC....was the QSC amp getting the signals from the 3805's pre-outs?....whatever, I don't work for them, but I am disappointed....and glad I have Crowns, I guess.....
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Votrax said:
Only because you can't afford a Crown! :D Just kidding.
I've got a Crown CTs powering some floor speakers and it actually sounds better than any other amps I've used. It only has a damping factor of 3000! I'll have to agree that the fan is a bit noisy during low passages or volume.
No silly... it is hard to justify to my church why they should pay the extra money for Crown, when the QSC will do the job just fine and is less money.

And yes Mulester7 I did run them out of my pre-outs. I made a cable using Neutrik XLR connectors and RCA jacks on the other end.

Don't get me wrong it sounded good. But I personally did not hear some of things that I was used to hearing. Plus the fans durring low volume or breaks in programing.

You all know that every one us HT junkies have our favorite Movies that we like to "Test" our system with. For example in "Hero" the arrows chapter. With the 3805 I could hear a "CLICK" when the crossbows were loaded and cocked. With the AMP or my Yammy I can not hear it. Small....YES I agree. But was it noticable for me....yep.

Molester7 if I mislead you about only dealing with the "Base Model" QSC amps than please forgive me. I have delt with most of the QSC amps. ISA, PLX, and the RMX amps. I have both RMX and PLX in my church were I run sound. I also have a crown in the rack as well.

Here is the rack at my church that I am talking about.




Audioholic Samurai
Snap said:
You all know that every one us HT junkies have our favorite Movies that we like to "Test" our system with. For example in "Hero" the arrows chapter. With the 3805 I could hear a "CLICK" when the crossbows were loaded and cocked. With the AMP or my Yammy I can not hear it. Small....YES I agree. But was it noticable for me....yep.
.....once again, good report, Snap....hey, something like those crossbows clicking in Hero would pretty much equal my reference of the cylinder sleeve bouncing on the floor of the shop in Seabiscuit....Denon equipment has always been considered better than snuff, and not near as dusty.....

.....Greg, if you've ordered the QSC as you said you planned to, run it through it's paces and do all kinds of comparing and see what you get....the offer still stands on the returning if need be.... boys in your 30's need to appreciate your age and everything workin' good....I just got back from having 4 teeth pulled....rode the V-Max to and from, and was all over the road comin' home, haha....thank goodness God loves and takes care of me....I fail Him, it sure ain't the other way around.....


Seriously, I have no life.
Snap said:
For example in "Hero" the arrows chapter. With the 3805 I could hear a "CLICK" when the crossbows were loaded and cocked. With the AMP or my Yammy I can not hear it. Small....YES I agree. But was it noticable for me....yep.

I bet there is more to this when a closer examination is made. ;)


What he's trying to say is that you only heard something different, not because either amp is better or worse but that one of them was set up differently. Because we all know an amp, is an amp, is an amp.


droeses58 said:
What he's trying to say is that you only heard something different, not because either amp is better or worse but that one of them was set up differently. Because we all know an amp, is an amp, is an amp.
I am not sure how to take that. That is like saying a cable is a cable. Or a Peavey amp sounds the same as a Classe amp. A car is a car. BMW or Kia same same???? hmmm. Still pondering that....

hmmm :confused: :confused: :confused:


Audioholic Slumlord
Snap said:
I am not sure how to take that. That is like saying a cable is a cable. Or a Peavey amp sounds the same as a Classe amp. A car is a car. BMW or Kia same same???? hmmm. Still pondering that....

hmmm :confused: :confused: :confused:
Agree with your analogies except the BMW or Kia being same, no, that is a bad example. Anyone can tell the BMW and Kia apart in a DBT listening to their engines.


Just Can't Buy it

Well I thought about it...and I guess this is one of those things were we will have to "agree to disagree" I guess.

But I have heard the same speakers with the same cables sound different. Not only did they sound different but they had to be eq'd different. To EQ a room at a church or pro venue I use SMAART Live. I run pink noise and try to "flatten" the system. Get rid of peaks and dips so that what ever comes out of the singers mouth is what is heard. (all other EQ'ing is done on the desk and that mic chan)

But that I guess is what makes being an Audiophile so much fun we all get to listen, tinker, and set up what we like. :D

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