Ah, same old story. Personal experience must be king, no matter how much it can be only a singular reality, not very useful to others.
But information is more than just a personal experience, don't you think?
Maybe it makes the recipient think and ask more questions. Always a good thing.
I wonder how many - if any, get frustrated hearing the same rants over and over from those not willing to share what equipment they own, how they listen to music, what type of music, and in what capacity.
Another irrelevant idea what one has. Has no bearing on anyone but me, for instance. It will not help anyone evaluate their choices properly, will it? It will not help them hear differences either, will it?
Yes, not much changes with regard to hearing ability, hearing evolution. Actually it is getting worse every day for all of us. So, its like being asked over and over: what is 2+3?
When generalities are thrown at threads day in and day out without knowing individual listening preferences, it loses its appeal.
Oh, you must have missed some of the questions then?
You rarely ever see new members jumping in on these threads.
What would you expect from the less knowledgeable ones? Give them time.
Have they figured something out? Are they afraid to chime in because of a philosophical reply is on the way?
Something wrong with such replies?
I think there's a loss of credibility when people constantly harp without some real world examples. If I'm way out of line, please let me know.
You bet you are way out in left field.
Real world experience is far from that be all end all solution to problems, especially when those experiences can be so unreliable, misleading, flawed, singular in nature. Is that what it is all about, a lot of nonsense at times??? Useless nonsense?