.....to anyone who embraces reference levels with their system even if only occassionally, and are considering adding a quality and relatively inexpensive slave amp to augment their quality pre-pro surround receiver.....
.....just do it....go for at least 200 watts rms a channel but more is better....unless you live in a concrete house, this is the most important thing you can do to improve the sound quality/musicality from your quality speakers no matter what ohmage or sensitivity they are rated....some are interpreting what I say as a knock on their receiver and are desperately trying to refute and defend....you won't be returning the slave amp....now there it is, do what you will, I won't be listening to your system.....
.....I have suggested the QSC RMX 2450 about six times....500 watts rms at 8 ohm rating for $550 and free shipping, 750 watts rms at 4 ohms, with the fan on the back for goodness sakes, brand new, no chance of buying someone else's problems off ebay with a used component....
.....MDS, my mind is probably the most open one here, as I couldn't care less about anything but truths being exposed for the sake of my system's musicality through improved sound quality....three times in the past, I have augmented a stereo receiver with stereo slave amps, with the smallest amount of watts rms at 8 being 200 a side....all three times, what I heard was a huge difference in the musicality and richness full-range....I realize everyone is probably sick and tired of me pushing slave amps, but I feel the same way about unfounded arguments through reasoning....just do it....or don't....it's your system, not mine.....