Facts? You want facts? That will not sell the bs products
PS: I strongly believe that 98.6% of the time more expensive means better quality.
One only has to look at the Mercedes Car repair records in Consumers Report compared to Toyota

Sure the Mercedes has a name but, it certainly is not reliable
I've seen some simple amplifier schematics on the net. If they are no different than the big name amps then why doesn't everyone copy and paste?
Oh, now we are looking at amp topology. That is a bit different from the rest of the gear. You think a name like Bryston doesn't fetch a much higher price because of the name only? Or that Mercedes car? Certainly that car has a very poor reliability issue unlike the Toyota.
PPS: I will check out those links later. Give them a read. Maybe I can learn something. BTW: the funny thing about learning....if I don't believe what I read I won't learn it. It just has to be false.
That's where the price of education goes up, by spending the time to research further