But i need some help on recommendation for the little stuff like What gauge of speaker wire should i use or i want to use banana plug.
Does it even make a difference?
I have 10-gauge Blue Jeans Cable wires and they are way too big for my amplifier unless I use banana plugs. Oops.

So the first key is, how big are those speaker wire posts?
My guess is, you don't even need more than 16-gauge, so 14-gauge is more than enough. It's a safe number.
To me, banana plugs are for convenience, not sound improvement. They are the "middle man" that goes between your speaker wire and the speaker. So unless you have to, I would not get banana plugs. Cut out the "middle man" if you can.
If you have to, buy the LOCKING banana plugs from Blue Jeans Cable. Don't buy those cheap banana plugs from Monoprice and don't buy plain banana plugs. It needs to be LOCKING.