How do you determine what’s a good match?
Your own ears are the masters of knowing what you like!
Through personal trial and error is the best way. So it is "your ears" that are doing the listening, not someone else's.
For quite awhile, I kept an eye out locally for great deals on used speakers and receivers. Picking up several varieties of each, over time. And comparing the results of the various combinations. Then I would resell the ones that did not match my personal tastes.
If this is not an option for you, then finding individuals that have the items that you are looking at or interested in and asking their opinion on it/them.
It all comes down to what you like and how exactly you like to hear things.
Always hear the combo for yourself first, if you have the chance!
If its a good match, you will know it!
Hitting the sweet spot, as some may call it.