The only real advantages the 880 has over the other harmony's is the LCD screen and hard buttons. The lower harmony's (like the 550, 676) do exactly the same thing, but have monochrome screens and rubber buttons, vs. the color screen and hard plastic buttons of the upper models.
My family has 4 880's now, ranging from me to my father who doesn't even have a computer and is proud of this fact. My in-laws also love their remote. It's not a testament to the 880 per se, but the ability to hit one button like "watch tv" and have everything come on and set itself the way its supposed to. The URC models will give you the same thing, the biggest difference (from what i've heard) is the setup process. Some people prefer the Harmony online setup, some people prefer the URC process.
You can get the 880 for ~$150 new on Amazon, less when there's a deal going. IMO, it's worth every penny -- rechargeable, nice looking, and does what i need it to. For you it may not be worth the money. If you just want to control your devices and don't mind losing the bells and whistles, you can surely do it with one remote for much cheaper. Go down to Best Buy, hold them in your hand, see which ones you like, then buy it online cheaper