Yea...I'm not thrilled about the buckeyes following the trend of most other major football schools and their scheduling of small-school OOC opponents.
In recent years, OSU always schedules 1-2 ohio 1-A teams(BGSU, Toledo, Cinci, Akron, Ohio) for OOC games to help local schools, but this is the first time in about 70 years they scheduled somebody as small as YSU. The opponent in return for their thrashing gets TV exposure and a big payday %% from the gate. Tressel won 4 national titles as the YSU head coach, so there is a reason behind the madness.
I understand it, but don't agree with it. To YSU's credit, they regularly beat MAC schools, so it's not like they're thaaat bad. I personally don't even like to see OSU playing midmajors. I'd rather see OSU play mediocre BCS conference teams for tuneups.
Of course, we cant play the Texas's of CFB every season. With that said, we have Home/Home's scheduled with USC and the Miami Hurricanes from maybe we deserve an OOC break after playing Texas the past two seasons