I have an AR-15 as well - not as nice as yours... it was a 'bargain basement' purchase a decade ago when I was worried about them banning the "black rifle" altogether. (It's a Bushmaster 16" with the Type2 carry handle... I know, I know... but it was cheap and I can hit anything at less than 200yrd without trying...

) Not nearly as nice as your itschris.
I agree with Midnight on the full-auto - although I'm working on setting up my trust currently - not for the full-auto aspect of the class III, but for the right to own supressors. And no - I'm not "planning something"

- but there are many cases where I would definitely prefer to have at least some of my plinking sessions be much, much quieter. It's totally irritating to me that supressors are lumped in with full-autos and explosive devices.
I mean, I get the reasoning behind them - but seriously. There are almost no cases where someone has used a firearm against another person - where simply because everyone could hear the report, further death/injury were averted. Most of the time the violence is over by hours if not days before there are police involved... even in the more press-covered instances like the tragedy in Arizona recently.
On the other hand, the numbers of ranchers, hobbyists, etc... that would like to further preserve their hearing and perhaps take care of some 'nuisances' in their back yard without disturbing their neighbors or scaring their livestock has got to be numbered in the hundreds of thousands at least.
Oh well - play by the rules and stay out of jail - so I'm going through the paperwork and gettting everything setup now.
Oh and in answer to the originally posted question - why limit yourself... get both. I've got (in addition to the AR) 2 Ruger 10/22's - one "folder" and one match configured, SigPro 40 (234), and something I'm forgetting at the moment.