How "far" do I have to "get", Col Tomb?
Saying they're worse than Styx is hardly bashing, but luckily I don't expect criticizing those more overrated bands to transport me anywhere. Styx isn't great by any stretch, but the fact that the man who animates Homer Simpson dislikes them isn't exactly damning criticism.
In fairness to Britney, she has a long string of FM radio hits. I think you can guess how much stock I place in whether or not something is a hit! Hendrix had one hit, so where does he rank vs the Brit-ster?
There's a danger in relying on public adoration (ie sales and chart position) while simultaneously dismissing those figures in other contexts. I reject the notion that a band is better or worse because they're taken seriously or not.
What to do by, then? Hard to say. I'd like to meet one intelligent member of AH who doesn't snort out loud when reading Rolling Stones Top 100 albums of all time.
But they're a great magazine, right? PUH-LEAZE!
Mark Twain said a classic is something everyone wants to have read but no one wants to read, and that translates pretty damn well to many of the "classic" albums listed by many critics.
As for the Chimpmunks, I couldn't say. Maybe you'll have to lend me their albums, Duffinator.
If you can bear having 'em out of the rotation that long. Better make it CD-Rs.
The only safe method to choose the very best music? Why, ask
me of course!
Or barring that, use the most reliable method I've ever found- if it sounds good to you, and you like to listen to it, then it's good. At least to you. If you like Hendrix, then listen to Hendrix. Ditto for Styx. Don't get all obsessed about whether listening to something's gonna damage your cred as a stick-up-the-butt fuddie duddie.