Dec 18-19 20" - Snowmageddon
Jan 16(?) 6" - No name
Jan 30 8" - No name
Feb 5-6 30" - Snowpocalypse
Feb 9-10 11" - Snowverkill
I believe the official total accumulation is 56" (my own unofficial measurements are shown above), an all-time record for snowfall for the Washington, DC area and more than Buffalo, NY has this year.
Its still early February, and we are running out of names for the storms and space to put the snow!
Small storms, like the one we're supposed to "get" monday: SNOWFAKE
The recent history of snow events can be summarized as: SNOMG or SNODICULOUS
People that are tired of snow are: SNOVERIT
People that love snow might call it: SNOWTASTIC
Two in a row might be a: SNOWGASM
People that like hip hop might prefer: SNOWTORIOUS BIG
The thirty incher might be called: SNOWASAURUS REX
(I had a lot of time in airports this week)