Buy a lowish end modern receiver with hdcp 2.2 and connections to allow using my separate amps?
The modern dac should sound good Or indistinguishable from a 3k Pre-pro.
BTW I can only tell the difference in sound quality by how engaged it makes me. For instance, a steaming Netflix movie doesn't hold my attention like the same movie on Blu-ray. Of course one has a 4-5 bitrate and the other 30 bitrate so that should make a difference. The same for mp3 vs CD. Maybe an a/b comparison of Blu-ray would yield no difference at all using the same amps and same room?
If that is likely true, then I should just buy the lowest price receiver with the connections I need (Xlr for sub) and pre-amp output connections and 5.2.2 with hdcp 2.2 for 4k.