Go republicans! Let's restrict womens bodies again!

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Audioholic Spartan
I always find it interesting how people make it sound like white people were just the only ones doing the pillaging looting and everything it took back in that time of history to acquire power.

This land was soaked in blood long before whites ever came here. Entire tribes were slaughtered and driven from there lands by other tribes. Slaves were taken atrocities were done. This was how the world operated back then. By everybody

Only within the last 200 hundred years collectively (except for a few brief moments throughout history) has mankind stepped away from this idea of dictatorship and brutality and towards the idea of democracy and equality that was born here in the Western hemisphere.

Mankind is finally beginning to evolve beyond old concepts. It still has a way to go but this type of thinking is really new in mankind's history. What is being attempted here in all its imperfection is something relatively new. But since the 1960's it is finally starting to pick up steam. That tends to happen as things evolve they tend to move faster over time. Just look at what science has achieved in the last 100 years it tool us thousands of years to get here but look how fast it's evolving

I don't think anyone is ignoring the history. Whites came here and came out on top. And for the longest time did everything to hold onto power. Just like every race and every civilization has done since humans evolved to walk upon 2 legs. It is what it is. Can't be changed. If the whites had lost we would be having this same conversation with whichever race and culture came out on top. Don't think any other humans from any other race or culture would have been any better back in those times.

Instead of building on that progress we seem in my opinion to be getting ourselves stuck collectively as a nation by being unable to learn from and let go of the past. And it's funny because it seems to me that individuals who can't let go of the past have a very narrow scope on what they want to focus on it. And what they want to ignore that was going on at that time in history outside of that narrow focus.

It's also funny that I learned all of this the good the bad and the ugly including the part my race had to play in it through education. Especially at the university level. So no I don't think any of us are attempting to rewrite history.


Audioholic Spartan
That is an interesting question. How did immigration work out for the first wave? Horribly. But that shows the resiliency of the human spirit. Because look how far they were able to come in spite of the odds stacked against them. I think that's beyond amazing its incredible what they have achieved in 200 years.

I really wonder if they could look at all the opportunities we live in today opportunities that are finally being presented that they fought for and shed so much blood and sacrifice for what some of those 1rst wave of immigrants would have to say to some of there descendents? I'm not sure that conversation would go a way that our current young millennials would like to hear.


Audioholic Spartan
I think an even more important question is not how our original immigrants would think of us here in America but what would our current generation of immigrants think of us here in America.

This may ruffle some feathers but they laugh at us. On the real. They look at what we have that we take for granted they shake there heads at us and our squabbling and then they go and get some of that life. They outwork outhustle outsacrifice and they laugh at us. And thats the truth.

Those two podcast conversations bring up some interesting points. Does racism still exist oh heck yeah. More watered down hidden by a polite face in front of cameras. But I just don't feel the conversations I'm hearing from media politicians and places like Twitter respectfully are the right mindset to continue to fix it.

And it still needs to get fixed. I'm not coming at it from a just pull yourself up by the bootstraps speech but in reality I'm only saying that so we can just let the system continue as it is. I'm just saying I don't think the way society is trying to spin things right now is the right way to go about it in my humble opinion.


Audioholic Spartan
I'm sorry I know we have digressed some off the main thread but these are great conversations you guys are bringing up that I think we all need to be having

This idea of Republicans and there anti science to climate change. Is fascinating and a great conversation. I'd like to say something and then bow out and let the thread get back on topic

I feel that conservative minded people don't all of us dislike the science but the way we process it is different due to our mindset.

I think one of liberals greatest strengths is there imagination creativity and capacity to dream for a better future your abstract way of looking outside the box

I feel one of conservatives greatest strengths is our capacity to be pragmatic stuck in concrete ways of observing reality what's in the box and being resourceful and blunt on manipulating that box to increase hopeful outcomes.

In short liberals create new ideas to change reality conservatives are good at figuring out how practical we can be in pulling it off so to speak

I don't think every conservative denies the science. I don't. I'm just very pragmatic almost pessimistic on the reality of how to deal with it due to how my brain works.

I don't think we can stop it to be honest. So I want to from my perspective focus more on how to adjust to it. Because the Western countries going green but then doing so by getting our dirty energy from China and Russia and other countries to make our green technology work is just insane to my logical pragmatic mind. It's never going to work.

I really wish in spit of the risks we would go nuclear for a 100 years until we could develop true alternative energy sources that don't require fossil fuels to create them or make them work

I honestly feel nuclear is the only option we have that could turn back the tide at this point we are to close to that wall scientists speak about to realistically rely on anything else to pull it off in the little amount of time that we have left. I mean we have nuclear weapons 50 times over to destroy the world why not harness that same technology to save it?

I just don't think anyone wants to do that tho

Anyways I digress just really good stuff guys I'll respectfully bow out to the original topic of the thread


Audioholic Warlord
Oh conservatives are impotent, aren't they? They stand behind upholding conservatism without any specifics. It's a knee jerk reaction with The Democrats do it too! Or possibly worse the Well at least we're not as bad as the Democrats! Why be better when you can be less worse? And they demand the left become more journalist while they sit back and do nothing, wondering why theyre in the minority. Well you'll get more of your tax dollars back. Thats something, right? :confused:


Audioholic General
Oh conservatives are impotent, aren't they? They stand behind upholding conservatism without any specifics. It's a knee jerk reaction with The Democrats do it too! Or possibly worse the Well at least we're not as bad as the Democrats! Why be better when you can be less worse? And they demand the left become more journalist while they sit back and do nothing, wondering why theyre in the minority. Well you'll get more of your tax dollars back. Thats something, right? :confused:
Interesting. Your view on conservatives looks mostly based on the medias or the likes a BTC's portrayal of them.
Get out of the media bubble. It's intent is to dumb down and distract the population.

You can't find specifics? If you know any recent immigrants to the US that have discovered success here ask them what specific values have lead to that success. I suspect the "specifics" you are looking for are what Thatcher used to call: "the facts of life".


Seriously, I have no life.
How did that first wave of immigration work out for the indigenous people ?
white people did not discover America and build it into the country it is by their hard work and ingenuity. Murder rape pillage and loot is what settled the land.
now you want to stop anyone from teaching American history. I am all in favor of fundamentally changing the way yawl think!
Why are you coming after me? I said they COME HERE, not 'CAME HERE', as in NOW, not in the past.

I don't know how you got this from what I posted- I wrote NOTHING about how the country was formed or who was abused, nor did I write anything about stopping anyone from teaching history, including the correct version of.

Show me that I wrote that was so offensive next time- you really missed the points I was making.
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Audioholic Warlord
Interesting. Your view on conservatives looks mostly based on the medias or the likes a BTC's portrayal of them.
Get out of the media bubble. It's intent is to dumb down and distract the population.

You can't find specifics? If you know any recent immigrants to the US that have discovered success here ask them what specific values have lead to that success. I suspect the "specifics" you are looking for are what Thatcher used to call: "the facts of life".
BTC and TYT, as to not change your ideology, but to show how they use live examples on the right and how conservatives could learn something from that regarding more penetrating, biting ops. Note when I said conservatives school of journalism you replied it won't work. Yet you demand that same journalism from the NY Times. Until that time comes of pure journalism, what are the conservatives doing to increase their own share of the media pie?? Just Fox or what?


Audioholic Samurai
Bro why can't he be concerned about those centers? They're the ones that just got hit. Does everyone these days have to stop while making a point and go back 20 years to make sure they covered both sides to your satisfaction? It would take an hour to talk about anything.

He said any person who takes this stance whether right or left is the problem. THATS WHAT HE SAID. Anyone with any ability to understand context understands he's not bagging the other side just because he didn't take time to speak about it. I think it's funny that his clip is not left or right biased. It's about shi$$ty people who use violence to push agendas. But immediately you went team blue.
The crazy part is what are you defending? Don't democrats want more centers like this for mothers that decide to go ahead and keep there babies? Don't people say we don't do enough to help mothers that are put in these situations? Well here's people stepping up and doing what people want them to do.

And they're going to get put in the crossfire because some douchebags can't handle a legal outcome and are too immature and pu$$y to take there anger to the source. Takes a real man to hit up a center for women run by mostly women staffers

But wait if it will make you feel better I can type out the exact same thing that is just as long that covers how this applies to pro abortion. Because yes it does apply. People who do this to centers that are helping to support mothers that decide abortion is there option are the exact same kind of coward and a pu$$y

Would 5 more paragraphs satisfy you that he is not being biased? I know your a good person Ive dialoged enough with you to see that but bro you took a simple concept a good message and go tribal and get it all twisted.

But look if that's what you want to see out of what he said okay. That he is only supporting one side thats fine. There's no reason for us to go around and around on it and just waste our day. You do you. I'll do me.
You make a lot of assumptions here. I never said he couldn't be concerned about those centers, where did I even remotely say anything like that? And if you think you need to go back 20 years to find a case of violence against abortion clinics you need to pull your head out of the sand. It would've added two minutes to his video, not an hour. I never said that people helping mothers is a bad or unwanted thing. All I said was that he clearly presented only one side of this debate. And somehow that's going "team blue" to you?

Other than the statement that violence isn't ok from either side, can you honestly say that he presented both sides in this video? That was my whole point. You took it all over the place.


Audioholic Samurai
I'm going to take this out of the context of the video and try to explain my issue with it to you in another way @Danzilla31.

Imagine a couple in a fight, they've both done/said some shitty things to each other:

The husband says "we've done some pretty shitty things to each other, we should not do those things any more" and then lists a handful of shitty things his wife has done, but none that he has done. How do you think that's going to sit with the wife? Do you think she'll feel the husband is being fair and unbiased?

So, while the premise of the argument "Let's not do shitty things to each other" is a good one, the content of that argument can still be biased.


Audioholic General
BTC and TYT, as to not change your ideology, but to show how they use live examples on the right and how conservatives could learn something from that regarding more penetrating, biting ops. Note when I said conservatives school of journalism you replied it won't work. Yet you demand that same journalism from the NY Times. Until that time comes of pure journalism, what are the conservatives doing to increase their own share of the media pie?? Just Fox or what?
Demand? Did not use the word demand. I stated a conservative school of journalism would not not solve any problem. It would only be ignored and attacked by the establishment anyway. My expectations and view of the media is rock bottom. Its mostly propaganda, especially when it serves and does not question the government. No matter which side is in power. It has not evolved very much from the practices of "His Girl Friday". I restate that people should make up their own minds based on logic, reason and experience. The media will financially crumble on its own. CNN was already used as an example but you can look at Disney recently or the decine of Hollywood. The WPost was basically bankrupt before Bezos bought it.,

You are in search of specifics. A good place to start is would be listing what your own conservative principles or policies are. Which would like to see the nation follow to a better future in your eyes?


Audioholic Spartan
I'm going to take this out of the context of the video and try to explain my issue with it to you in another way @Danzilla31.

Imagine a couple in a fight, they've both done/said some shitty things to each other:

The husband says "we've done some pretty shitty things to each other, we should not do those things any more" and then lists a handful of shitty things his wife has done, but none that he has done. How do you think that's going to sit with the wife? Do you think she'll feel the husband is being fair and unbiased?

So, while the premise of the argument "Let's not do shitty things to each other" is a good one, the content of that argument can still be biased.
I just think your overcomplicating it because you went all tribal. Like I said if you have to say I'm concerned about this but! Let's make sure I talk about this so you know for sure I'm being balanced about that. Dang bro we'd be here all day. You think I went all over the place I think you went all over the place Lol. I good sir am just respectfully going to have to say that we just don't agree on his opinion. And thats ok nothing wrong with that


Audioholic Samurai
I just think your overcomplicating it because you went all tribal. Like I said if you have to say I'm concerned about this but! Let's make sure I talk about this so you know for sure I'm being balanced about that. Dang bro we'd be here all day. You think I went all over the place I think you went all over the place Lol. I good sir am just respectfully going to have to say that we just don't agree on his opinion. And thats ok nothing wrong with that
No, you wouldn't be here all day, it would have literally taken two minutes to show stuff from the other side as well.

I never went anywhere other than that he didn't present his argument in a fair and unbiased way. That's the only place I went. Nothing to do with being "tribal". It's not complicated at all. How can you have an argument that both sides do shitty things and then everything else you reference in your video is only one side doing shitty things? That's an oversimplification and it doesn't help your argument at all.


Audioholic Spartan
No, you wouldn't be here all day, it would have literally taken two minutes to show stuff from the other side as well.

I never went anywhere other than that he didn't present his argument in a fair and unbiased way. That's the only place I went. Nothing to do with being "tribal". It's not complicated at all. How can you have an argument that both sides do shitty things and then everything else you reference in your video is only one side doing shitty things? That's an oversimplification and it doesn't help your argument at all.
The only one who has been here all day is you. I spent 5min the other day replying and haven't thought about it since. But you keep bringing it up.

I don't have to spend any time presenting evidence because his post isn't pro life or pro choice. It's about violent people escalating a situation because it goes against there viewpoints. That was the point of his post. The links he posted are pretty slam dunk confirming his observation.

As for his argument he said extremist people on the right or left that resort to violence are sh&tty people. Who cant agree with that?

You just can't seem to let this go why is that?

Are you upset because I said I felt you were creating sides when I felt there was no need to so now your doubling down?

He stated exactly what your arguing he made it clear any human being that does this for any reason is unacceptable. But somehow that's not good enough for you:rolleyes:

But since he didn't spend enough time according to you talking about the other side you read into that that he is biased?

The sad thing is you took a positive message and made it tribal and divisive.

Not only that you took one post on YouTube and now you know what this guy thinks or feels about topics like pro life or abortion? What are you God? Can you read this guys mind?

I know what he feels about people who use violence against anyone that opposes there viewpoint. That's what his post was all about. He stated pretty clearly how he felt about that no matter what side you take on this subject

I would never assume to know anything else because he didn't talk about his views on anything else. But somehow your an expert :rolleyes:Ok got it.

Look I've tried to be polite about this a couple times and posted let's just drop it because we disagree. And it's pretty obvious we're never going to. And I said clearly that's ok. No hard feelings I mean people can't agree all the time about everything.

But you cant seem to drop it. Look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself why can't you do that? What do you benefit from dragging this on and on other then making you come across as argumentative and clogging up the thread?
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Audioholic Jedi
I always find it interesting how people make it sound like white people were just the only ones doing the pillaging looting and everything it took back in that time of history to acquire power.

This land was soaked in blood long before whites ever came here. Entire tribes were slaughtered and driven from there lands by other tribes. Slaves were taken atrocities were done. This was how the world operated back then. By everybody

Only within the last 200 hundred years collectively (except for a few brief moments throughout history) has mankind stepped away from this idea of dictatorship and brutality and towards the idea of democracy and equality that was born here in the Western hemisphere.

Mankind is finally beginning to evolve beyond old concepts. It still has a way to go but this type of thinking is really new in mankind's history. What is being attempted here in all its imperfection is something relatively new. But since the 1960's it is finally starting to pick up steam. That tends to happen as things evolve they tend to move faster over time. Just look at what science has achieved in the last 100 years it tool us thousands of years to get here but look how fast it's evolving

I don't think anyone is ignoring the history. Whites came here and came out on top. And for the longest time did everything to hold onto power. Just like every race and every civilization has done since humans evolved to walk upon 2 legs. It is what it is. Can't be changed. If the whites had lost we would be having this same conversation with whichever race and culture came out on top. Don't think any other humans from any other race or culture would have been any better back in those times.

Instead of building on that progress we seem in my opinion to be getting ourselves stuck collectively as a nation by being unable to learn from and let go of the past. And it's funny because it seems to me that individuals who can't let go of the past have a very narrow scope on what they want to focus on it. And what they want to ignore that was going on at that time in history outside of that narrow focus.

It's also funny that I learned all of this the good the bad and the ugly including the part my race had to play in it through education. Especially at the university level. So no I don't think any of us are attempting to rewrite history.
Just reading the first part maybe because their supposed religion countered such? Let's embrace the genocide and racism that came with the perverted white folk?


Audioholic Warlord
Demand? Did not use the word demand. I stated a conservative school of journalism would not not solve any problem. It would only be ignored and attacked by the establishment anyway. My expectations and view of the media is rock bottom. Its mostly propaganda, especially when it serves and does not question the government. No matter which side is in power. It has not evolved very much from the practices of "His Girl Friday". I restate that people should make up their own minds based on logic, reason and experience. The media will financially crumble on its own. CNN was already used as an example but you can look at Disney recently or the decine of Hollywood. The WPost was basically bankrupt before Bezos bought it.,

You are in search of specifics. A good place to start is would be listing what your own conservative principles or policies are. Which would like to see the nation follow to a better future in your eyes?
Yep demand. The riots not being covered and a few other examples of the left either not covering or burying down the page you've shown frustration with. Maybe the reason conservatives don't seek journalism is because there isn't a market for it? The most they can do is own the libs, but as the Damage Report said, it's pretty lazy too.

Not my job. It's conservatives' job to articulate what they stand for beyond opposing the left.


Audioholic General
Yep demand. The riots not being covered and a few other examples of the left either not covering or burying down the page you've shown frustration with. Maybe the reason conservatives don't seek journalism is because there isn't a market for it? The most they can do is own the libs, but as the Damage Report said, it's pretty lazy too.

Not my job. It's conservatives' job to articulate what they stand for beyond opposing the left.
Fair enough on the riots. Most conservatives and many democrats go to Fox and to a lesser degree Newsmax from the links I am sent. Have not looked at their financials in a while, but they seem to be doing well financially so the market is certainly there. We do not know how large that market could be on the likes of YT because they censure.

It would seem one of the problems the rest of the media seems to be having is their lack of credibility with the middle or moderates. Ironically, one of the items that comes up most for lack of credibility in media is the distorted coverage of the 2020 riots as well as the shilling for the government on the economy. We saw last week the ratings of the Jan 6 committee generating little interest. People outside the media bubble have more important issues to deal with.


Junior Audioholic
I usually avoid politics on my audio forums but this is a big one. I'm disgusted every time the theistic right tries to, and in some cases succeeds in taking rights away for no good reason. I guess it's a good thing now to force a woman to carry to term whether she wants to or not and grant special rights to fetuses that don't apply anywhere else.
Could it be, just maybe, that the issue is not about a woman’s right, but rather about the life of the unborn child? Those same people that are insisting that this is about a woman’s right to choose, had no problem trying to force people to take a vaccine.


Audioholic Samurai
But you cant seem to drop it. Look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself why can't you do that? What do you benefit from dragging this on and on other then making you come across as argumentative and clogging up the thread?
I was trying to get you to see how he could have made his point and video better. But I see that's not going to happen. Cheers.


Audioholic Samurai
Could it be, just maybe, that the issue is not about a woman’s right, but rather about the life of the unborn child? Those same people that are insisting that this is about a woman’s right to choose, had no problem trying to force people to take a vaccine.
First of all, it absolutely is about a woman's right to choose and her bodily autonomy. We've already gone over this in much detail in this thread.

Second: you're comparing apples to oranges. Vaccinations are a public health concern, a woman's access to abortion is not a public health concern but a private health concern.
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