No, you wouldn't be here all day, it would have literally taken two minutes to show stuff from the other side as well.
I never went anywhere other than that he didn't present his argument in a fair and unbiased way. That's the only place I went. Nothing to do with being "tribal". It's not complicated at all. How can you have an argument that both sides do shitty things and then everything else you reference in your video is only one side doing shitty things? That's an oversimplification and it doesn't help your argument at all.
The only one who has been here all day is you. I spent 5min the other day replying and haven't thought about it since. But you keep bringing it up.
I don't have to spend any time presenting evidence because his post isn't pro life or pro choice. It's about violent people escalating a situation because it goes against there viewpoints. That was the point of his post. The links he posted are pretty slam dunk confirming his observation.
As for his argument he said extremist people on the right or left that resort to violence are sh&tty people. Who cant agree with that?
You just can't seem to let this go why is that?
Are you upset because I said I felt you were creating sides when I felt there was no need to so now your doubling down?
He stated exactly what your arguing he made it clear any human being that does this for any reason is unacceptable. But somehow that's not good enough for you
But since he didn't spend enough time according to you talking about the other side you read into that that he is biased?
The sad thing is you took a positive message and made it tribal and divisive.
Not only that you took one post on YouTube and now you know what this guy thinks or feels about topics like pro life or abortion? What are you God? Can you read this guys mind?
I know what he feels about people who use violence against anyone that opposes there viewpoint. That's what his post was all about. He stated pretty clearly how he felt about that no matter what side you take on this subject
I would never assume to know anything else because he didn't talk about his views on anything else. But somehow your an expert

Ok got it.
Look I've tried to be polite about this a couple times and posted let's just drop it because we disagree. And it's pretty obvious we're never going to. And I said clearly that's ok. No hard feelings I mean people can't agree all the time about everything.
But you cant seem to drop it. Look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself why can't you do that? What do you benefit from dragging this on and on other then making you come across as argumentative and clogging up the thread?