1-2 - There is just nobody who seems to know a thing when I'm in my local WMs. They just are unavailable and really don't have a clue for the most part. I've been in there and have seen people struggle to get help, then they were given incorrect information. Kind of typical upsell stuff, except without any knowledge.
Best Buy
4-7 - I like Best Buy. While many of the sales staff is less than perfect, they tend to try to be helpful, are willing to spend time with you, and they have a selection of displays which is basically untouched in our area.
6-8 - All of these are within Best Buy in our area, so it tends to be the Best Buy experience again, except usually with a bit more knowledge. Usually.
I'm a Sam's Club member.
No Fry's in my area.
0-1 - Target hires people to work registers it seems. I've never heard anyone ever answer a question at Target and their sales staff is often more difficult to find than at Wal-Mart. Plus, they never seem to have good pricing.
2-4 - Sears seems to occassionally have a good guy in the mix. Mostly, they are not very well trained and their selection is typically limited. But, they also sometimes throw out a great sales price on a product. Still kicking myself for not buying the 52" Sharp I was looking at last Black Friday.
Sam's Club
0-1 - Their sales guys aren't sales guys. They just let you know the store policies, how returns work, how warranties work, etc. They don't care if you buy or don't buy. While this works for me just fine, it really doesn't help people which may actually have questions. BUT! They have excellent pricing almost always and I got my 60" Pioneer from them and couldn't be happier.
??? - Really, I haven't asked them about their electronics. I probably should.
Still shopping at Sams Club.
Since it is local, I'll add Myer-Emco (Washington DC)
6-8 - I would put this in the same class, if not a bit ahead of where Magnolia falls. They get product training, and they do lean towards the upsell of cabling, but they tend to know that they are doing an upsell. Their products tend to be a bit more expensive, but they also carry some top shelf products which other stores don't, or can't, carry which is nice for checking out.