Give your opinion of sales people at major big box retail stores in the US



I do think the customers were very impressed with our knowledge, and probably had a different opinion of him when he conceded. Anyway, everyone left pissed off and me minus a Bluray player.
Please don't include "our knowledge" in tearing people down at BB.:(


Full Audioholic
What i dont get, is guys who come into these stores, knowing everything about a product and play dumb with the sales people...

You cant be that smart if your walking into a store expecting the sales people to know everything, or anything for that the end of the day, its a just a job.


Audioholic Spartan
What i dont get, is guys who come into these stores, knowing everything about a product and play dumb with the sales people...

You cant be that smart if your walking into a store expecting the sales people to know everything, or anything for that the end of the day, its a just a job.
Hello, Hipnotic4. I am not sure to which posters you might be directing your thoughts, but in case it was me, I think* that I might have mentioned looking for an HDMI cable to use with my HTIB. IOW, I knew very little at the time, and it was my first HDMI purchase. It was only in retrospect that I learned about how I was being duped. Yeah, I was mad for a while. I think I still might be.

I definitely do not pretend to not know anything in these stores. Ever.



But Bob is from accounting

You example. Kind of like:

The other day I went into Best Buy and talked to Bob. You know Bob, right? Well, he started rattling off how great Samsung LCDs are and how 120Hz is the bomb because it's "twice as much as 60Hz." I asked if Panasonic plasmas are any good, and he said that they are the best plasmas available, but that LCDs are better. With the right Monster HDMI cable, they could look almost as good as an LCD, but not quite. Regardless of which one that I went with, though, I should definitely get the extended warranty because "things happen." He was pretty excited to show me the new Harmony remote that could control everything, except that he couldn't figure out how to get it to work.

[Based in part on a real visit.]

You should have talked to Joe ( no wait he is the plumber), everyone knows Bob is from "accounting" :D





I personally have not found any of thes sources mentioned to provide very good audio advice.

One person found Fry's to be 10/10. In our area there are two Fry's stores and they are decent in their knowledge , maybe 7/10. You really have to look at Fry's ads carefully or you can spend more than other places.

Costco, Sam's, Walmart - good prices not much knowledge

Best Buy ( or upgraded Magnolia ) seem to focus on what they have to sell and cables and extended warranties.

There are some very good home theater stores around here; that is where I usually go to audition or try audio equipment or more likely to these audioholic's forums :D

The one exception I found about knowledge was a Modia clearance store, the clearance sales manager talked to me for over an hour comparing the LG plasma to the Pioneer Elite Kuro. i was totally engrossed with this guy's knowledge. He really loved and knew his product. He was a true audioholic ;)




Full Audioholic
Nahh Jmeat i was nto directing any of my comments to you or anyone on this forum.

I was just giving my input on things as usuall..


Audioholic Ninja
Rate the average help you get at big box retail store that sell electronics on a scale of 1-10. It can be based on anything from availability to product knowledge. Just your general impression of the of their sales associates. If one stands out from the others please list the reason. Personally I don't shop at any of them because I think their prices are high and their help is more of an obstacle than anything.


Best Buy






Sam's Club



Rating just the average help, even assuming one wasted enough of one's life in discussions at these stores to be able to have a reasonable sample to come up with an accurate average, isn't going to be the whole story. The difference between the best and the worst in a particular store can be considerable, so expecting the "average" when one goes to the store is a mistake. And whether or not the salespeople are knowledgeable or not is also not going to tell you whether they will not also be sources of misinformation, or, in other words, lies. Basically, any store that sells magic wires is a place where you will be lied to on a regular basis, because otherwise they wouldn't be selling much of that sort of crap. So trusting anything they say is risky.

So, the best thing to do is learn about these things before you set foot in the store. You might be lucky and have an honest and knowledgeable salesperson, but if so, your experience will be the exception rather than the rule. Of course, if you don't know anything, you will likely not know that you have been cheated, and might be happy with your experience.


Audioholic General
Rate the average help you get at big box retail store that sell electronics on a scale of 1-10. It can be based on anything from availability to product knowledge. Just your general impression of the of their sales associates. If one stands out from the others please list the reason. Personally I don't shop at any of them because I think their prices are high and their help is more of an obstacle than anything.

It's hard for me to provide much input on personal help because I do my research and then go look at prices so once I go to a store I'm usually looking to buy what I want. Not ask some misinformed guy what he thinks (which is probably wrong).

Wal-Mart: My few experiences here (largely observational) show they largely lack any knowledge about what they're selling but they also aren't going to try as hard to sell you extra crap like overpriced monster cables.

Best Buy: More knowledgeable sales people generally, every now and then you run in to someone who really knows his or her stuff or knows when you know more and won't pester you. Otherwise you run a great risk of getting an employee that tries to sell you warranties on things that don't need them (in some rare cases it can be worth it), explains products based on things that might sound vaguely based on fact or spec sheets but aren't correct, or tries to sell you on all kinds of overpriced accessories. Want to get some wires or a Harmony remote? Look elsewhere for much better prices.

Magnolia: Don't have any :(

Costco: They have sales people? Don't get me wrong, I love love love Costco but I've never really had the sense that they really had sales people in the electronics section meant to help you make decisions. The employees wandering the floors there restock stuff and can help point you in the right direction to find something but that's it, and that's all I expect of them.

Fry's: Don't have any of these either.

Target: Nicer looking, nicer feeling and you don't come out feeling as violated as Wal-Mart. It's like the civilized person's Wal-Mart. Same as Wal-Mart I don't see them trying to push as much bad advice or as many overpriced accessories on you. I think the main reason might be partially due to the fact that unlike Best Buy they don't think they really know that much about the topic. Doesn't mean there aren't exceptions.

Sears: I've seen people get modest help at these stores. Usually the sales people don't seem to act like they know things they don't (like Best Buy) so it feels a bit more honest. You're probably less likely to get directed all over the place to horrendously overpriced accessories but otherwise not that helpful.

Sam's Club Same as Costco really, maybe they have a sales person that knows something but I don't really think of them as sales people nor do I figure that's what they're there for.

Kmart Same as Wal-Mart and Costco... ranging from worse than to better than Wal-Mart in the grunge factor depending on where you are.

BJ's Same as Costco and Sams. I don't even know where you go to find a sales person to help you in these places.

Costco, Sam's, BJ's and the likes are what I would consider a self help/self serve store. You don't go there for help, you go there to grab what you want and leave. If you can't find it there all you would bother to ask a sales person is "where might I find x?"

Wal-Mart, Target and Kmart are a mild step up from those in the customer help departments. They might have someone with a modicum of understanding about the topic but I really wouldn't count on it. At least in these stores they have sales people who are just that in some of these departments, rather than just someone who stocks shelves or gives directions.

Best Buy can be dangerous in that many employees seem to think they know more than they do. This can happen at any store but it seems more common at stores like Best Buy.

I agree with Pyrrho though, there's no replacement for self education. The internet makes that easier than ever before, it just takes time and some initiative and the ability to sift through the noise.

Most of the locations of these stores I've been to have been pretty consistent in these regards. How an individual store performs will still depend on the specific sales people they have and I have met very knowledgeable people in Circuit City or Best Buy stores.
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Senior Audioholic
Don't shop there anymore, but when I did I found the staff useless and the selection pure garbage.

Best Buy-7
About what you would expect. Base line product knowledge pushes add ons like Monster cables and extended warrenties

none in my area

Not a lot pf product knowledge, but decent prices if you do your homework

On par with Best Buy

About the same as Costco

a little more knowledge than Best Buy but limited selection

Sam's Club-?
None in my area

Boarders on Walmart, not worth my time.

Never heard of them


Full Audioholic
This doesnt really make sense to me...

It totally depends on your location how good employees are. Some stores have horrible employee service, but i could go across the country to the same retailer and get the best service in the world.

Some people try to attain higher standards for themselves when working for an electronics chain. Some could care less, and they just BS around.

Point is, you cant really judge an electronics store based on your local service. You can hold a grudge lol, but you should realize the service will vary from location to location, NOT company to company.


Audioholic Overlord
There is one guy at one of the Best Buys in my area who is great. He reminds me of WmAx and will also give me deep discounts. He is just working his way through school so he won't be around long. I hope some of his knowledge rubs off on others in the store.


Senior Audioholic
At the big box retailers, I've never spoken to any sales people that have any real level of knowledge. At BB Magnolia, the sales people are a bit more knowledgeable. Some more than others. In terms of their own products, they are trained pretty well. I have to hand it to Best Buy at least in my area. They know their AVR's, TV's and speakers fairly well. When it comes to outside products, they are a bit uneducated, but then again, I've dealt with high end custom install companies and they typically have a limited scope in their knowledge of outside products as well...

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