NO Universal Player for You!
Sorry to say, but I don’t think there will be a universal player any time soon. Why? Because Sony won’t let anyone make a universal player. (At least not in the foreseeable future).
As far as I know, everyone who is making a Blu-Ray player had to sign an agreement with Sony. That agreement forbids them from also making HD-DVD players. In other words…
No universal players!
So, IMHO, the best bet is on…
Microsoft and Apple.
Yeah, that’s right – Bill and Steve. (We’re on a 1st name basis you know

Go ahead, laugh if you want. But I’m right. Here’s why…
Tech specs aside, I don’t think the average BB or CC customer (you know the people who outnumber philes by about 10,000:1) will be able to see any real difference between either format. So this battle will just go back and forth and back and forth until…
People start ordering/downloading movies.
In the not too distant future...Studios will lose millions fighting this battle. Microsoft and Apple will approach them and say…
“Hey guys. We’ve got a great system all setup for you. You can just host the movie with iTunes Hollywood or Xbox Live Movies. We’ve already got millions of people using are systems.
You can stick all the DRM you want in the movie. Just let people download the movie and make 1 copy for their player.
Why waste zillions fighting?
Join us…
We have the solution…
Join us…
Why resist? Resistance is futile…
Join us…”
And the studios will follow. Apple will market it well. Microsoft will beat everyone else into submission. And in a few years people will say…
“Blu-who? HD-what?”
The End.