.....Gentlemen, do yourself a favor, especially with any components that will record, and pull out the book that came with it, and learn what EVERY, button on that remote will do, and your options will increase, as you play like a child, in MusicAndVideoLand....aaahh yes, in a position disallowing your rectum to breathe punching buttons....do any of ya'll have a favorite cushion on that couch that stinks for an hour when you vibrate the springs and giggle?.....my cushion's a time bomb some nights just waiting for me to get up and pull the pin, haha....I really don't think I need to cross-wire the mains....might be too much honey....but my thought, there can never be too much honey, spurs me on in wonderment....come the morrow, the cheap mains shall be AB'ed with "presence" the factor....honey everywhere....could be too much, drink a gallon of honey, and see what happens....the ears will decide though, considering they are attached to the human who laid out the snakeskins, your humble servant, mule, Clint....night, all....
.....will be reading a bit if any see my light on and want to holler....no tomatoes thrown, please.....well, no over-ripes anyways.....