Put that eye witness under oath and have him repeat it in a courtroom. WOW.
I agree.
While quite a few comedians/journalists have dropped hints that DJT, Jr. is a coke-head, I’ve never read or heard rumors to that effect for DJT senior.
His father (Fred) insisted that any type of addiction, be it alcohol or drugs, would not be tolerated and would impact his inheritance of the Trump real estate empire. And from all available evidence he’s followed that dictum of not losing self-control/addiction, so I highly doubt he took up coke later on in life.
Then again while I accepted most of the contents of the Steele Dossier in 2016, since his indebtedness to Deustch Bank in Germany, a Russian penetrated bank, was suspected and verified by the BND (German Federal Intelligence Service) and US news organizations (NY Times, etc.) later on, I had misgivings on the allegation in the dossier or the existence of the ‘pee-pee tape’ by the Russians, which supposedly occurred in 2013 at the Moscow Ritz-Carlton, where DJT was taped by the Russian FSB (domestic intelligence) ‘
in flagrante delicto ’. Either fact would have left him open to Russian blackmail.
That is until Michael Cohen alleged in his book that Trump was a willing attendee at a Vegas show where some young ladies performed a ‘rain dance’

exhibition and he enjoyed himself immensely.
Cohen is a complete opportunist, so anything he says has to be taken with a grain of salt, but I could entertain the idea that maybe it’s a personal sexual kink of DJT and possibly the tape exists.
Right now my biggest fear is that the Biden administration allows him to continue getting/receive intelligence briefings, as all ex-presidents do, and his willingness to monetize that information for his family business interests or personal gain. And that Putin/Russia is continuing to blackmail him, as Dan Coates suspects, and he'll pass that information along.