Fluance Signature Series Speakers Preview



Audioholics Master Chief
I'm trying very hard to get caught up so I can get these out of my garage and into my theater room. I initially planned on getting them over to a friends house to compare to his EMP E55ti's but it's becoming difficult for our schedules to coincide on this.

While I haven't yet listened to these speakers yet, I have to admit I do have some reservations about the crossover point from the woofers to the mids. If I read correctly, there's only about 1 octave of bandwidth which makes it a challenge to implement a proper bandpass filter on the mid. Anyways, I will do some listening before breaking out the measurement gear or taking them apart.


Audioholic Overlord
I'm trying very hard to get caught up so I can get these out of my garage and into my theater room. I initially planned on getting them over to a friends house to compare to his EMP E55ti's but it's becoming difficult for our schedules to coincide on this.

While I haven't yet listened to these speakers yet, I have to admit I do have some reservations about the crossover point from the woofers to the mids. If I read correctly, there's only about 1 octave of bandwidth which makes it a challenge to implement a proper bandpass filter on the mid. Anyways, I will do some listening before breaking out the measurement gear or taking them apart.
Looking forward to it Gene. Can't wait for YOUR thoughts/measurements. Have a great night.



Brian Mowka

Audioholic Intern
Looking forward to it Gene. Can't wait for YOUR thoughts/measurements. Have a great night.


Same here, the thing that I believe gene or anyone will find right away (both my wife and I completely agreed on thi) is that the emp's skew warm and smooth and the Fluance skew bright. If 5 was neutral and brightness was 1 I would say fluance were a 3.5, elacs 4.8, and Rbh/emp around a 7.5. So comparing those two really showed significant character differences in mid to upper regions. For me, mids are most important of all and I'm not a heavy bass guy so fluance's just were not my cup of tea due to my preference for neutral and even slightly warm (4.5-5.5 range I guess), but damn I really wanted to like the Fluance as they are great value for the money and when you put them up feature for feature - particularly to the Elac f5's it really stands out just how good they look with the magnetic grills ;0(I really like that) as well as cool looking/top notch binding posts, outrigger that prett damn cool even and just their presence is all great... But, I had to go with what sounded best to my ears in the end and I think Elac hit the sweet spot for me there. I've been listening every day to them and I don't regret it one bit (but I did have to break down and buy a sub which really helped the low end - got a deftech reference I series for $350. I know it's not considered a kill sub, but I have very little space Andrew the bass reflex deign seems to work well in a corner, someday I'll upgrade that as well as speakers and rotate to bedroom or game room which would be more than adequate). My next major purchase is likely the new anthem avm 60 button I'll wait for Gene's review as I love my anthem avm 30 with ATI 2007 setup but it's just dated and without hdmi I'm falling behind and getting sick of not utilizing the rest of my system to the fullest. Just a bit worried with the price being such a comparatively low cost that something may be skimped on... I'm praying not!


Audioholic Overlord
Same here, the thing that I believe gene or anyone will find right away (both my wife and I completely agreed on thi) is that the emp's skew warm and smooth and the Fluance skew bright. If 5 was neutral and brightness was 1 I would say fluance were a 3.5, elacs 4.8, and Rbh/emp around a 7.5. So comparing those two really showed significant character differences in mid to upper regions. For me, mids are most important of all and I'm not a heavy bass guy so fluance's just were not my cup of tea due to my preference for neutral and even slightly warm (4.5-5.5 range I guess), but damn I really wanted to like the Fluance as they are great value for the money and when you put them up feature for feature - particularly to the Elac f5's it really stands out just how good they look with the magnetic grills ;0(I really like that) as well as cool looking/top notch binding posts, outrigger that prett damn cool even and just their presence is all great... But, I had to go with what sounded best to my ears in the end and I think Elac hit the sweet spot for me there. I've been listening every day to them and I don't regret it one bit (but I did have to break down and buy a sub which really helped the low end - got a deftech reference I series for $350. I know it's not considered a kill sub, but I have very little space Andrew the bass reflex deign seems to work well in a corner, someday I'll upgrade that as well as speakers and rotate to bedroom or game room which would be more than adequate). My next major purchase is likely the new anthem avm 60 button I'll wait for Gene's review as I love my anthem avm 30 with ATI 2007 setup but it's just dated and without hdmi I'm falling behind and getting sick of not utilizing the rest of my system to the fullest. Just a bit worried with the price being such a comparatively low cost that something may be skimped on... I'm praying not!
Brian, thanks for your observations. Many here will find it very helpful. Feel free to elaborate away. The more info the better I always say. :):):)



John Melnicoe

Audioholic Intern
I agree the Signatures are on the bright side. My wife and I being a bit older now, (and old rock and roll heads with less than perfect ears now) need a bit of the brighter side for some applications, and with just a tweek of the mids it really mellowed them out without killing the good parts of them, (being able to sound alive, as if you are there at a live performance). Perhaps with a few thousand dollars you can get both that sweetness and the live and exciting performances all in one, but these seem a good balance to achieve both with a bit of experimentation. I neglected to mention in my last (and only other post) that before these we had Energy C-7's, a fairly warm speaker I think, and we have not heard the Elacs-which I suspect are quite good for the money from all the posts and opinions out there. I also neglected to state our Signatures did need a good break in, (about 25 + hours) to mellow. They definitely do mellow out with time. The C-7's sounded fairly nice, (and are upstairs now) but did not quite expose the buried details of some music that the Signatures seem to bring out. The Fluance XL7F's replaced the C-7's, until we got the Signatures. The XL7F's seem between the C-7's and the Signatures as to sound quality, in that they are brighter than the C-7's, close to the Signatures as to brightness, but the Signatures overall play as a bit more serious and bigger, more like a concert type sound. The XL7F's for $499 or less with the Fluance discount are a deal for sure and now serve as rather large surrounds in our house, (do I hear overkill?) As most of the folks in this forum probably know, Audioholics did a great review of the XL7F's a couple of years ago.
I hope this helps someone who might try the Signatures- which is to say break them in awhile and play a bit with the EQ if you can, along with the obvious of experimenting a bit with placement. For us playing with the toe in, (a bit less than on some speakers perhaps) seemed to help mellow them yet keep it all alive and with decent soundstage. We still prefer to use a sub with the Signatures, although their bass is good. I guess we do love that deep bass, especially for watching movies.
A note for Gene- get better soon and don't stress about the review. Just know that many lives are hanging in the balance as we await your words of wisdom!

M Midnight

Audioholic Intern
Hello all, my first posting. I recently got the Fluance Signature towers, put them through their paces, then read the C-net review. I really felt the C-net review missed the mark a bit perhaps. I did test some of the song choices C-net spoke of and found the Signatures performed well, (especially the Beta Band song "Life"). Further, they DO come with magnetic grills, (the C-net review seemed to have an overall sarcastic tone that seemed unnecessary). With good break in and perhaps a small amount of EQ adjustment in the mid range, they sing nicely to my ears. Even with no adjustment, (pure mode) they were good, but for my wife and I perhaps a bit better when the mids were very slightly tamed by about 1.5 db on the receiver. We have a Yamaha Aventage 110 W receiver in a 7.1 set up, (our other speakers are Fluance XL7F's, Fluance XLBP's, an Infinity Primus 351 center, and an Energy S-10 sub) which all work well together. For home theater, the signatures are really great, and for 2 channel stereo seem very nice also IMHO. Reading through this forum it is interesting to see such varied opinions-so I thought I would toss in my own view of these speakers. I only paid $630, so that was rather nice but for $799 they still seem a very good deal as they sound excellent overall.
They really shine with things like Drala "Child of Illusion" and other sorts of instrumental music, but also do nicely with most anything. We typically listen to things like Dire Straits, Doors, Lorena McKennitt, Traffic, Pink Floyd, Zepplin, Jazz and instrumental stuff. They do most music well. They sound full and dynamic to our ears and capture details and buried tracks in the mix well. We are hearing things we did not even notice before in the music, so each listening seems like a new treasure hunt. Their overall "tonal quality" does vary, depending on the source material, but is lively and accurate and does not seem at all fatiguing, especially if the EQ is slightly adjusted, if necessary. We like them a lot and plan to keep them. They are certainly worthy of a listen. Overall, they definitely seem "musical" rather than just for home theater.
I Hope this adds to the discussion. I noted on another area on the forums that others seemed to assume as C-net did not like them that they were not good. Hopefully Gene will give them a good shake down and some balance may come out of the hype that review seemed to generate. Happy listening folks.

Yeah i felt the cnet review missed the mark big time.....


Audioholics Master Chief
Hugo and I finally got a chance to check out the Signature towers Fluance sent to us for review. WE are both absolutely floored by the workmanship and materials of this product for such a modest asking price. These things are HUGE and constructed quite well too. Aesthetically they are quite nice and don’t look as imposing when looking straight on thanks to the tapered back.

On the installation side, there is NO mention of the outriggers and feet or how to install them. I kinda figured it out myself as you can see in the attached image but I’d highly recommend Fluance adding installation instructions in the owner’s manual. The magnetic grills are a nice touch but the magnetic force isn’t very strong and easy to knock off, especially when moving the speakers around the room as Hugo and I found. Be mindful of this if you have small curious children. I love that the grille isn’t made out of cheap plastic like you often see in products at this price point. I’m pleased with the extra thick front baffle of the speaker, flared ports and the binding posts. Impressive!

From a sound perspective I will tell you I’ve never heard a pair of speakers in this price range with such prodigious amounts of bass extension and output. Most impressively is how clean the lower registers are. The cones hardly move even when being hit with bass intense music at loud listening levels. I was unable to bottom the woofers which was a very nice surprise. I even threw a Japanese Drum track that absolutely tortures woofers and these things held up. They just love to play loud! Hugo and I both though these speakers threw off quite a large soundstage and sounded very real and lifelike thanks to the great bass response and incredible detailed top end.

The vocals were a bit unsettling at first. I felt that the midrange at times sounded a bit nasally which can be accentuated on female vocals. I think there are two reasons for this; 1. The tweeter level may be set just a tad too high, the midrange is crossed over too high which I will be investigating when I pull measurements next week. I was able to alleviate some of this by NOT toe-ing in the speakers. I found by facing them straight on with virtually no toe-in helped smooth out the mids and tame the top end. Putting the grilles on also helped this a bit. Note the highs are NOT fatiguing even though the tweeter may be a tad hot. This was welcome in jazz music as it portrayed a lot of detail but it was a bit strong on female vocal tracks.

All that being said, Hugo and I both believe this speaker is quite an achievement at its price point.

I haven't read the CNET review as I didn't want it to taint my first impressions of this speaker so I am not sure if I am in agreement with it or not.

Stay tuned fore more to come....



Brian Mowka

Audioholic Intern
Great to get your insights gene. Agree they have great bass and like playing loud (I only have smaller room for these), a bit surprised you feel the tweeters are not fatiguing as that was my impression. Bang for buck is definately impressive though, no doubt there! Curious to see if you can dial in the mids as I could not. Some on thread are saying break in is longer than stated which I believe was 10 hours so maybe they mellow out more over time. anyways, thanks so much for helping everyone make informed decision on these. Very curious as other to get your analysis especially around the mids and what the measurements bore out. I wonder just how low these babies really go without loosing spl - if people can run without need for sub could make it even more of a bargain.
Mark Henninger

Mark Henninger

Hugo and I finally got a chance to check out the Signature towers Fluance sent to us for review. WE are both absolutely floored by the workmanship and materials of this product for such a modest asking price. These things are HUGE and constructed quite well too. Aesthetically they are quite nice and don’t look as imposing when looking straight on thanks to the tapered back.

On the installation side, there is NO mention of the outriggers and feet or how to install them. I kinda figured it out myself as you can see in the attached image but I’d highly recommend Fluance adding installation instructions in the owner’s manual. The magnetic grills are a nice touch but the magnetic force isn’t very strong and easy to knock off, especially when moving the speakers around the room as Hugo and I found. Be mindful of this if you have small curious children. I love that the grille isn’t made out of cheap plastic like you often see in products at this price point. I’m pleased with the extra thick front baffle of the speaker, flared ports and the binding posts. Impressive!

From a sound perspective I will tell you I’ve never heard a pair of speakers in this price range with such prodigious amounts of bass extension and output. Most impressively is how clean the lower registers are. The cones hardly move even when being hit with bass intense music at loud listening levels. I was unable to bottom the woofers which was a very nice surprise. I even threw a Japanese Drum track that absolutely tortures woofers and these things held up. They just love to play loud! Hugo and I both though these speakers threw off quite a large soundstage and sounded very real and lifelike thanks to the great bass response and incredible detailed top end.

The vocals were a bit unsettling at first. I felt that the midrange at times sounded a bit nasally which can be accentuated on female vocals. I think there are two reasons for this; 1. The tweeter level may be set just a tad too high, the midrange is crossed over too high which I will be investigating when I pull measurements next week. I was able to alleviate some of this by NOT toe-ing in the speakers. I found by facing them straight on with virtually no toe-in helped smooth out the mids and tame the top end. Putting the grilles on also helped this a bit. Note the highs are NOT fatiguing even though the tweeter may be a tad hot. This was welcome in jazz music as it portrayed a lot of detail but it was a bit strong on female vocal tracks.

All that being said, Hugo and I both believe this speaker is quite an achievement at its price point.
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I haven't read the CNET review as I didn't want it to taint my first impressions of this speaker so I am not sure if I am in agreement with it or not.

Stay tuned fore more to come....
I am really surprised by some of the negative comments I read about the SQ of these speakers, both in the CNET review and by some folks who auditioned them. I have some issues with the CNET review.

Also, I took some rough close-mic measurements of the drivers yesterday, and am anxious to see what you guys measure.
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Audioholic Overlord
...great bass response and incredible detailed top end.

The vocals were a bit unsettling at first. I felt that the midrange at times sounded a bit nasally which can be accentuated on female vocals. I think there are two reasons for this; 1. The tweeter level may be set just a tad too high, the midrange is crossed over too high which I will be investigating when I pull measurements next week.
All that being said, Hugo and I both believe this speaker is quite an achievement at its price point.
It sounds like both the LF and HF are winners for the price class!

It may be inherent to the mid-range driver capabilities, but I can't help but wonder what Dennis Murphy could do with a crossover redesign!

Of course, the fact that Fluance has increased the price by $100 so quickly after introduction (and I presume the $70 discount will expire before long, representing close to a total 25% price increase) dampens my enthusiasm for this speaker/Fluance.


Audioholics Master Chief
Great to get your insights gene. Agree they have great bass and like playing loud (I only have smaller room for these), a bit surprised you feel the tweeters are not fatiguing as that was my impression. Bang for buck is definately impressive though, no doubt there! Curious to see if you can dial in the mids as I could not. Some on thread are saying break in is longer than stated which I believe was 10 hours so maybe they mellow out more over time. anyways, thanks so much for helping everyone make informed decision on these. Very curious as other to get your analysis especially around the mids and what the measurements bore out. I wonder just how low these babies really go without loosing spl - if people can run without need for sub could make it even more of a bargain.
It really depends on source material. With 80's rock yes the tweeter can get fatiguing but for Jazz and good source material, no so much. Also my room is acoustically treated and quite large so that may also be why I can tolerate it. In addition, NOT toe-ing in the speaker also helps.

Dennis Murphy

Audioholic General
It sounds like both the LF and HF are winners for the price class!

It may be inherent to the mid-range driver capabilities, but I can't help but wonder what Dennis Murphy could do with a crossover redesign!
Oh Goody. I do so look forward to lifting those up and down the stairs to my office.

Brian Mowka

Audioholic Intern
Gene, now that you mention it, when listening to classical I do recall being surprised that I was pretty impressed, wife says the same thing. Rock/alt rock was more fatiguing, didn't spend much time home theater with these even though I did get the entire setup - mostly because I listen to stereo CDs, but I'm betting these could really be good for that as well.


Audioholic Overlord
Oh Goody. I do so look forward to lifting those up and down the stairs to my office.
I am sure that would be a chore from looking at the pictures of them. But, I also know that YOU could do YOUR magic on those crossovers. Can't even begin to imagine how good they would sound then. Sure would be nice to find out.....LOL!!! :D:D:D




Full Audioholic
If you rework the drivers and/or crossovers, I am a buyer for an upgrade kit. I am keeping them. I believe that they're good compared to everything else I've listened to under $2k with the only real problem being some occasional midrange oddities.


Audioholics Master Chief
If you rework the drivers and/or crossovers, I am a buyer for an upgrade kit. I am keeping them. I believe that they're good compared to everything else I've listened to under $2k with the only real problem being some occasional midrange oddities.
Mark my words if the crossover point in the mid was lowered from 1200hz to around 500hz, I'd suspect a significant improvement in the mid frequencies. I'm looking forward to measuring to see what's really going on.

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