I looked at that same screen! If I go any bigger than what I have I will pretty much have to go with an acoustically transparent screen like you.
I had an AT screen way back when (my posts about it are somewhere in the recesses of the forum) and I had terrible moire. The PJ was too close, the seating was too close, and it was a mess. That's when I replaced it with the Cinetension2 screen. That screen has been great, but I really wanted to go back to AT now that the new UHD materials with the tighter weave have started coming out.
The Saker has definitely exceeded my expectations, and while I'm a little disappointed with Amazon and the quality of the shipping (it came a little scratched up) the screen itself has been excellent. It has a little more dropoff than a Seymour or one of those types of screens, but it also cost thousands less and after EQ it's barely noticeable and mostly not noticeable. The weave has lived up to expectations and I'm now sitting around the same distance as I was back at my last residence with zero moire and a screen that is twice as big. Definitely like being at the IMAX.
I also really wanted to do a screen over a TV like you have, but since we have a window right there it wasn't really worth the effort.
I have to say, with a double duty room I would either have to have a TV and PJ or a double PJ setup. I couldn't live without a way to do some daytime/ambient light viewing. The only downside is when I put up the screen, the TV looks about 10 inches wide
It doesn't look like you NEED to own, your system looks great as is! I cant wait for mine to be finished, it will be awesome to watch movies down there

Although the OCD side of me hates all the wires lying around and the half a$$ed hanging job of the PJ and the screen, due to the need to be able to easily remove them when the time comes.
Yours is going to look great and I have no doubt it will get better. I've been following along and you've done a great job so far. Now hurry the heck up