Finally coming together



Well it should be pretty set now. For awhile. I guess. Oh who am I kidding, I'm an impulse buyer.
Oh fuzz, your never done do you remember the sub that got angrey at you?
You stayd at it and if im correct you built a second one?


Audioholic Warlord
That's right. I finished the one and built a second. I'll also finally have time tomorrow to get the center channel speaker somewhat finished. At least it should be functional tomorrow and then hopefully I'll get it primed and painted in the next couple weeks.


Audioholic Warlord
New project, already about two weeks into it and have another couple weeks to go, but it's coming along nicely.



Audioholic Warlord
Haha, it's not speaker related......yet. It's going to be a computer desk. However I have a fair amount of scrap from the sheets of birch ply, so naturally I planned a bookshelf build to immediately follow the completion of the desk. Still deciding which kit to go with.


Audioholic Warlord
You so took that the wrong way...

Hmm, so you're saying I should switch to naked pics? Stills or action shots? I actually have some little hats for.............

I'm not sure I should say more, less Alex decides to make some unannounced visits :eek:


Audioholic Warlord
Courtesy of a crapload of thick blinds. Daytime viewing engaged.

Well, part of the reason for all of this was that I finally got some time to play with the speaker selector I hooked up to do some back and forth testing. I wanted to go with Dark of the Moon because it's a pretty demanding movie that can very easily sound like a muddled mess without speakers that are capable of handling a multitude of sounds all at once. I also chose this movie due to the excellent surround effects and I wanted to see how well it blended with the other 10 speakers. My final reason for the movie choice, was because I love to listen to it at near reference levels, thanks to the four subwoofers I have running.....well....a tad hot to say the least.

Voices were clear, ambient sounds were reproduced faithfully and it sank right into the background. If it wasn't for the fact that I have to actually get off my butt to press a button specifically selecting it and if it wasn't slightly off center I wouldn't even know it was there. For $100 + wood and glue, I'm not sure there's a better center out there commercially available. Heck, I don't know if you could build a center DIY or BIY for that price.

The center, or should I say driver, lost composure during some of the more taxing scenes. This is to be expected and is the first time since I've had the center that it's done this. Like I said, this is a demanding track which can be difficult as is without trying to push the volume up and up.

I'm sure I would be able to hear differences if I had an instant switcher, but I don't and my switching it way too slow. Any differences were negligible anyways and I expect would still be somewhat minor even with a switcher. The main difference has to do with distortion and volume. The SSC will stay composed up to and well beyond the levels I care to listen to, whereas the JWM has a much more distinct point where it's got no more to give. However, this isn't to say it won't get loud and I think that for the vast majority of situations it performs far above the price I paid for it.

More mini-reviews to come as time allows.
Last edited:


Audioholic Warlord
Final coat of Danish oil. Next comes some drying, followed by what I think will end up being a poly finish.

Framed out. Still have to sand and oil the bottom shelf though.



Audioholic Warlord
Bottom shelf with 4 coats of Danish Oil. Somewhat lighter than the top, which has about 8-12 and 4 more days of drying time on it.

Kind of a closeup of how the 2X4's came out.

Dry fitting the top and letting the bottom dry. I was pretty happy when I slid it on and it fit like a glove. Either my woodworking is getting better or I'm getting luckier. Either way, good times :D



Seriously, I have no life.
Voices were clear, ambient sounds were reproduced faithfully and it sank right into the background. If it wasn't for the fact that I have to actually get off my butt to press a button specifically selecting it and if it wasn't slightly off center I wouldn't even know it was there. For $100 + wood and glue, I'm not sure there's a better center out there commercially available. Heck, I don't know if you could build a center DIY or BIY for that price.

The center, or should I say driver, lost composure during some of the more taxing scenes. This is to be expected and is the first time since I've had the center that it's done this. Like I said, this is a demanding track which can be difficult as is without trying to push the volume up and up.
That is a nice succinct review of a single JW driver.

The sound quality is outstanding. As I have stated many times it has very useful spl. but it is not a high spl.driver. You have probably noticed however that it maintains really good clarity and coherence at low volumes. It is not a shouty driver at all, like other full rangers I have had through my hands.

The amazing thing now is that that driver was designed during the fifties. It went on the market in 1959, some 54 years ago, and you have done an A/B the unit against a modern speaker. That is the incredible part of the story. Now just how many speakers over half a century old would not stick out like a sore thumb against what you compared this little 4" driver to?


Audioholic Warlord
That is a nice succinct review of a single JW driver.

The sound quality is outstanding. As I have stated many times it has very useful spl. but it is not a high spl.driver. You have probably noticed however that it maintains really good clarity and coherence at low volumes. It is not a shouty driver at all, like other full rangers I have had through my hands.

The amazing thing now is that that driver was designed during the fifties. It went on the market in 1959, some 54 years ago, and you have done an A/B the unit against a modern speaker. That is the incredible part of the story. Now just how many speakers over half a century old would not stick out like a sore thumb against what you compared this little 4" driver to?
I have noticed that. Most of my listening to it so far has been at low to moderate volumes and it performs extremely well. Hard to imagine it is that old and performs so well against some pretty darn good modern drivers.

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