F#%kin' Bandwidth and Bit Limitations!



Seriously, I have no life.
If you listen to some members you can know how everything works in every home as long as it has good measurements, LOL. These "scientific" members will flat out tell you that how something actually sounds or looks on the screen is irrelevant because that is too "subjective". Can you imagine how they explain that to their spouse?
"But it has good measurements, don't worry"
Bottom line- the system has to look and sound good, but it won't look or sound the same to everyone.

Specs are a baseline, wild claims are from marketing and those two worlds don't usually intersect, other than at the point where the equipment exists, but only by chance.

Why not have a listening party with your nifty noise eliminator and have someone who's not interested or involved in any other way connect it, disconnect it or leave it as-is, randomly and not say anything about it, in a place where nobody can see them? The changeover needs to be very fast, though. Nothing can be said about it, other than "Make notes about whether you hear a difference and describe the difference". Nothing else. Any comments about what will/might be heard can and will influence the results, so they must be avoided. You can't be unbiased, so you should remain uninvolved in the test.

Give it a shot. What do you have to lose?


Seriously, I have no life.
I agree about OLED being superior to LCD, which I have never been a fan of. However, being an older super numerated and stuck in his ways geriatric, audio is king to me. Realistic audio to me is 90% of the loaf, and the picture icing on the cake.

Just a brief word of advice, a wider vocabulary and creative turn of phrase would improve your posts greatly, make them more informative and entertaining.
Don't you like the 'soap opera effect' from LCD TVs?

I installed some equipment in 2012 and when I turned on the system, the Cable box was set to whatever channel plays Criminal Minds- it looked so similar to a news broadcast that I thought it WAS the news- that was a Sony. Never was a fan of LCD.

I was never as interested in video, other than preferring Beta to VHS.


Audioholic Spartan
My apologies. That was directed at manufacturers.;) Yeah, Smart TV apps are s#%t but are here to stay so the TV manufacturer can sell the information concerning your viewing and purchasing habits to interested parties.


Audioholic Warlord
My apologies. That was directed at manufacturers.;) Yeah, Smart TV apps are s#%t but are here to stay so the TV manufacturer can sell the information concerning your viewing and purchasing habits to interested parties.
Not if you block their ability to do so. That's another conversation. :)

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