

Audioholic Spartan
what do you know about Chgo ? ever been there ?
You've a reading comprehension issue, so read the relevant posts again and again, until you understand. That will take a long time, I guess, but the term "sample" used in "statistics" is a hint for you to work on.


Audioholic Spartan
You've a reading comprehension issue, so read the relevant posts again and again, until you understand. That will take a long time, I guess, but the term "sample" used in "statistics" is a hint for you to work on.
Numbnuts, I asked you about Chgo, can't answer a question ?


Audioholic Spartan
Trump avoided an indictment even though members of grand jury in Arizona wanted to.

>>>Members of the grand jury in Arizona that indicted 18 allies of Donald Trump earlier this year for their alleged roles in attempting to overturn the 2020 election had also expressed interest in charging the former president, according to a new court filing.

The interest was strong enough that it prompted the state’s lead prosecutor to request that the grand jury not indict the former president and give a PowerPoint presentation to explain his reasoning.

Ultimately, the grand jury did not hand up an indictment against Trump, who had already been charged at the federal level for his efforts to upend Joe Biden’s legitimate 2020 election victory by special counsel Jack Smith and in Georgia by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. ...<<<



Audioholic Ninja
Go ahead and think you know, just from reading about it. Sure, that works.

If Chicago has lower average crime rate than 5 red states, explain the 100 shootings during the July 4 weekend.
Were you at those 100 shootings? Or did you read about them?

I suppose I would explain it the same way you would explain Chicago having zero shootings on Feb. 28, 2024.Actually: I'd have a far easier time than you will since I can describe a high incident count with "large population", but that works *against* a low incidence count.

And it's not "If Chicago has lower average crime rate than 5 red states", Chicago *does* have a lower average crime rate than 5 red states. It's verifiable fact.
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Audioholic Ninja
what do you know about Chgo ? ever been there ?
I've been there. One thing I know about Chicago is that, though it's violent crime rate is high, it's lower than 34 other large US cities, and lower than 5 US states.

What do you know about it that you think is relevant to the conversation?


Audioholic Spartan
I've been there. One thing I know about Chicago is that, though its violent crime rate is high, it's lower than 34 other large US cities, and lower than 5 US states.
If that example is a fact of 'pride', I'm not impressed !

What do you know about it that you think is relevant to the conversation?
Chgo has always been one of my favorite summertime cities in America, having first gone there in the early seventies. Being the railroad epicenter of North America a great deal of my time over the years did I spend in that town. Wrigley Field, Grant Park, Navy Pier, Michigan Ave, Lakeshore Blvd and the list goes on, all great memories. But as for the most recent two administrations(Lightfoot & Johnson) color me not impressed........

FWIW I'm headed there this fall, dinner at one of my favorites........'Gibsons' :p


Audioholic Ninja
If that example is a fact of 'pride', I'm not impressed !
It's an example of me answering the question asked. Now that you know, how does it help you further the conversation?

Chgo has always been one of my favorite summertime cities in America, having first gone there in the early seventies. Being the railroad epicenter of North America a great deal of my time over the years did I spend in that town. Wrigley Field, Grant Park, Navy Pier, Michigan Ave, Lakeshore Blvd and the list goes on, all great memories. But as for the most recent two administrations(Lightfoot & Johnson) color me not impressed........
A lovely insight into how you spend your time. Thank you for sharing! I enjoyed Chicago when I was there, but had business to focus on and relatively little downtime.

Does it have something to do with the conversation that was ongoing?


Audioholic Spartan
It's an example of me answering the question asked. Now that you know, how does it help you further the conversation?

A lovely insight into how you spend your time. Thank you for sharing! I enjoyed Chicago when I was there, but had business to focus on and relatively little downtime.

Does it have something to do with the conversation that was ongoing?
lets see........this thread is about Trump getting indicted, so remind me again what 'the' conversation is about ;)

As for my time in Chgo, my 47 year railroad career, business was for sure on the agenda !


Audioholic Samurai
Trump avoided an indictment even though members of grand jury in Arizona wanted to.

>>>Members of the grand jury in Arizona that indicted 18 allies of Donald Trump earlier this year for their alleged roles in attempting to overturn the 2020 election had also expressed interest in charging the former president, according to a new court filing.

The interest was strong enough that it prompted the state’s lead prosecutor to request that the grand jury not indict the former president and give a PowerPoint presentation to explain his reasoning.

Ultimately, the grand jury did not hand up an indictment against Trump, who had already been charged at the federal level for his efforts to upend Joe Biden’s legitimate 2020 election victory by special counsel Jack Smith and in Georgia by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. ...<<<


I don't think I've ever heard of a prosecutor discouraging an indictment. Granted, it wouldn't normally be reported even if it did happen, but it still seems unusual.


Audioholic Ninja
lets see........this thread is about Trump getting indicted, so remind me again what 'the' conversation is about ;)
Well, the point raised that you responded to was someone claiming that Chicago did not, in fact, have a lower violent crime rate than 5 states.

That was their segue from blaming crime in Chicago on immigrants.

Which was their segue from blaming crime in Milluwakee on immigrants in Chicago

Which was their segue from blaming Biden for crime

Which (I wasn't here for this part) seems to have been their attempt to attack Biden to get people to forget about Trump's many felonies.

But by all means: Let's talk about Trumps many, many, many crimes.


Audioholic Ninja

I don't think I've ever heard of a prosecutor discouraging an indictment. Granted, it wouldn't normally be reported even if it did happen, but it still seems unusual.
I'm amazed how little consequence there has been for an attempt to overturn the actual election (especially from a party that claims to care so much about election integrity that it's chasing non-existent fraud).

"On Tuesday, Republican activist Lorraine Pellegrino, one of the defendants in the case who had claimed to be valid delegates to the Electoral College, the entity that elects U.S. presidents, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of filing a false instrument."

A misdemeanor for trying to overthrow the federal government.... wow.



Seriously, I have no life.

I don't think I've ever heard of a prosecutor discouraging an indictment. Granted, it wouldn't normally be reported even if it did happen, but it still seems unusual.
So, can the Grand Jury still indict him? What then?


Audioholic Spartan
The left has been taking actions on border security and on immigration. The GOP voting down the most recent bi-partisan bill is one example, my link from day-one actions is another.
You'd have to do a historical timeline on how Republican have blocked Democrats at every turn on the border over the years.


Audioholic Ninja
You'd have to do a historical timeline on how Republican have blocked Democrats at every turn on the border over the years.
Because... you said so?

Still, interesting exercise:

Here is a timeline of notable instances from the past four years where Republican actions have interfered with or blocked Democratic efforts to improve border security:


  • Republican Platform on Immigration: The GOP refused to update their platform on immigration policy, maintaining policies from the Trump administration that included family separation and poor detention conditions rather than pursuing bipartisan reform efforts.

  • Biden Administration’s Initial Proposals: President Biden proposed comprehensive immigration reform on his first day in office, which included bolstering border security and creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. However, this faced immediate opposition from Republicans, who criticized the plan and did not support its passage.

  • Funding Opposition: House Republicans voted against border security funding included in the FY22 and FY23 funding packages. They also opposed a $4.9 billion supplemental request to address border management and security issues in December 2022.

  • Bipartisan Border Security Bill: In February, Senate Republicans blocked a bipartisan border security bill that included measures to curb fentanyl trafficking and enhance border security. Despite bipartisan support and a second opportunity to pass the bill in May, it was again blocked by GOP opposition, driven in part by directives from Donald Trump, who aimed to use the issue as a campaign talking point rather than a policy solution.
  • MAGA Republican Influence: Trump directed House Republicans to reject the bipartisan border security deal. This continued into December, as Republicans in Congress prioritized partisan rhetoric over the passage of comprehensive border security measures, despite the Biden administration’s efforts to negotiate and implement effective reforms.

  • Continued Blockage: Senate Republicans once again blocked a popular bipartisan border security bill in May, illustrating a pattern of refusing to advance legislation that could improve border management. This has been seen as a strategy to maintain border chaos as a campaign issue rather than seeking practical solutions.
Throughout these years, Democrats have repeatedly accused Republicans of politicizing border security and obstructing meaningful reforms for political gain, rather than addressing the actual challenges at the border.

Here's some more:


  • 2008-2010: During the Obama administration, attempts to pass comprehensive immigration reform were met with resistance from Republicans. Notably, the DREAM Act, which aimed to provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented youth, was blocked by a Republican filibuster in the Senate in 2010.
  • 2013: The Senate passed a comprehensive immigration reform bill with bipartisan support, including measures to increase border security and create a path to citizenship. However, House Republicans, led by Speaker John Boehner, refused to bring the bill to a vote, effectively killing the legislation.

  • 2014: Republicans in the House blocked efforts to address the influx of unaccompanied minors at the border, rejecting a $3.7 billion funding request from President Obama to improve border facilities and expedite immigration proceedings.
  • 2016: The GOP, aligning with then-candidate Donald Trump’s hardline stance on immigration, continued to oppose comprehensive reform efforts, focusing instead on border wall funding and stricter immigration enforcement.
Your actual request "every turn" actually puts the burden on you (as it's a positive claim to say that the republicans have supported at least some efforts). It would be like you saying "prove every animal isn't a unicorn".

What are some examples under Biden where the GOP has supported a DNC or bipartisan bill on immigration or border security?


Seriously, I have no life.
A familiar tactic from you dismissing statistics and facts when people refutes your arguments by saying "you just read about it". It's downright a silly argument.
All I can do without going somewhere is talk with people and read about those places- you seem to believe that's all someone needs to know ALL about a place but, go ahead and let your opinions override facts.

I await your 'dumb' rating.

Mikado asked a valid question- have you been to Chicago?


Seriously, I have no life.
You'd have to do a historical timeline on how Republican have blocked Democrats at every turn on the border over the years.
I wouldn't say it has been at every turn, but neither side wants to play well with the other.

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