First off I want to apologize for the length of this post and thank all of you who read it and help me figure all of this out!
Also, it won't let me upload the pictures...i've already re-sized them to accommodate the max file size.
So i called in yesterday afternoon and they said it arrived a few minutes before I called!

I went down to the local greyhound bus terminal to pick it up...the box was not damaged at all- the process was very simple. I'm so glad I went this route vs ups or fedex- saved myself about 75 bucks!
After getting home and unboxing it i was blown away at the sheer size and beauty of this thing! It's SO much bigger than the supercube Reference we had and the polk psw-505 and the klipsch rw-12d I had for a while. What a beast! The condition is excellent save a small surface scratch on the top corner. I snapped pictures of the process and will be posting them for you guys!
So as was suggested I placed the sub right up against the couch where i would normally sit and plugged it in. I opted for the manual setup versus YPAO b/c I could change the speakers to "small" and manually set the crossover- YPAO has them all large by default and idk how to change it to small or change the crossover (you are unable to change the crossover setting when it's set to large i believe) (if someone does please let me know as I would imagine I could attain a better sound w/ YPAO vs. my manual inputs if I could change the speakers to small and adjust the crossover)
Unfortunately my first impression was an EPIC FAIL moment

...after completing the manual setup (setting crossover, angle, distance, etc.) I played some familiar music "Geneis" by Justice, "Devastator" by For Today "Slam" by Pendulum, etc. and the only way I could describe how it sounded was NOT THERE

- I was totally perplexed so I turned it up a bit to around 12-1 o'clock to see if that would change it but it didn't. The driver was moving like crazy but there was minimal sound emission and there certainly wasn't the air pressurization that i'm familiar with (i honestly got more air pressurization from my mains alone running full spectrum let alone the previous 3 subs I've had before)
Now, I KNOW there's something wrong- there's NO WAY that's how this thing actually sounds. I'm not an audio idiot as far as my ears are concerned but I'm afraid my technical knowledge of setup etc. may be ruining my experience.
NOTE: I tried it in BOTH max extension mode w/ 1 port plugged AND max output with both ports open- it made absolutely no difference.
The picture shows the sub placement at the listening seat. I attempted the subwoofer crawl and really had a rough time with it b/c like I just said the sub wasn't giving much bass/nose/pressure to begin with so it was REALLY hard to tell where the "sweet spot" was- all of it sounded SOUR to me

But the bass was definitely more pronounced in certain areas than in the listening seat.
I then moved the sub to the spot right of my main right speaker and the sound improved DRAMATICALLY! However, I still think this baby has got more in it but at least I am able to HEAR the bass now...idk what in the world was the deal with the placement before and how that had such an impact on EVERYTHING. I really do believe this sub has amazing potential it just seems like I have to solve a puzzle to unlock it! LOL
I really want to try two other locations (both sides of my main couch) but my cables aren't long enough :/
Is it okay to daisy chain sub cables?
So, what do you all think I should do? Keep trying new placements? Also what about the YPAO vs. manual settings?
I'm going to get back to experimenting and will check back soon for replies and hopefully some tips on how to get those pics up on here for you dudes.