1. How do you buy your high-end audio products today? Why?
-I prefer to buy in a local store to support the local economy. But only if the prices are comparible. 1-2% mark up over online is acceptable.
2. What three consumer electronics products in the market today are you most excited about and why?
-LED Projectors - 50k hours without changing a bulb! wow!
-Whole home automation. Smart homes are the way to go. Control everything in your house from anywhere. ie: HVAC from your droid or iDevice.
-4k TV's and Projectors. A few are out, I wish more were. I love the quality...
3. What is your most treasured audio component?
-JBL Pro SP222. 1600W, 135db, of crystal clear audio from .5 miles away. Oh yeah, it's 1/2 the size of my refridgerator, and ugly, so it has been banished to the garage.

Damn women. (WAF sucks)
4. What areas of the consumer electronics industry (specifically audio/video) do you feel are untapped and offer the most potential from new technology?
-High Def movies available, day 1 of the theater release, at an affordable price. The movie industry does not seem to get it. The majority of the Movie theaters out there suck. More and more Home theaters are being created every day that rival them. Being able to pause the movie, and go to the bathroom, get a snack, put the kids to bed, etc.
-Audio. I've played musical instruments from 1st grade, through college. How come I can't close my eyes, and hear/feel the band in front of me. Without spending tens of thousands of dollars? I have gone to many homes, and specialty shops that claim to. They are close, but I still hear the speakers
Wooo is me.
Hopefully a high end set of RBH will solve my wooo, and bring me into nirvana.