1. How do you buy your high-end audio products today? Why?
I've bought all my audio and video equipment online. I however been to local high end and best buy stores to check out the product. In cases where the product I am looking at is not available at a local store, I try to read as many reviews and/or posts online regarding that particular product. The main reason I choose to buy online is the savings I get, mainly sales tax and sometimes is cheaper than buying retail.
2. What three consumer electronics products in the market today are you most excited about and why?
I am most excited about the future of the tablets, I see so many uses for it that I can't wait to see what comes next. I am also looking forward to the future of a/v receivers, more and more are being developed using the internet. I have a Pioneer that I can plug into my network and listen to radio stations from around the world. The last product I am looking forward to is the integration of technology into automobiles. I test drove a an Audi this past summer and it came with an option to have a broadband connection, you could listen to Pandora, had Google maps, and listen to podcasts, fascinating and expensive indeed!
3. What is your most treasured audio component?
My most treasured audio component is my Grado headphones. They were my first "expensive" purchase of an audio equipment and since I've had them, I have not looked back... I love the sound coming out of those things!
4. What areas of the consumer electronics industry (specifically audio/video) do you feel are untapped and offer the most potential from new technology
The a/v receiver market is one that has room for growth, unless you buy a really high end piece, you won't get the best sound and certain connections will be missing. I think an affordable receiver can be great to many consumers, one that combines great sound with the power of the internet.