Question 1:
What are the SVS Bill of Rights and which is your favorite?
They are "Your pledge to US!" My favorite is the "Trade-Up Policy." LOVE IT!
Question 2:
What is the next product you would like to see from SVS? Describe it in as much detail as you like, and let us know what it should cost.
A. I may be eating "dream whip", but I would LOVE to see 2 driver, dual purpose sub. One BOX, sealed on one end and ported on the other and XO modified to correctly blend the two.
Overall Dims: 20.9" (H) x 17.3" (W) x 27"(D) Same as your PB12-NSD, but with the depth of your PB13-Ultra.
Measurements would be needed to determine the proper dividing line between the sealed and ported side. Could this be done with one amp? Not sure, you guys are the pros, you could figure it out.

Anyway, I would LOVE this, as I am constantly having to adjust my 2 subs to play nicely together. I would much rather spend more on ONE than have to have 2, that take up twice as much space.
I would love to see this done for around $1,200 for a NSD version.
B. I would ALSO love to see a sub system available in an array. ONE or TWO at the most, external additional amps and the option of adding lower cost/smaller ported passive subs at each speaker position. Buy an amp, add one sub now and more later, or several at once. Thinking, $250 per passive sub and $400 for a 3/ch external sub amp.
Question 3:
What do you look for in a great subwoofer?
Does it add depth to my listening experience? I don't simply want it to rumble. It needs to have impressive attack and decay. It needs to not break the bank.