1) Out of 100%, please assign a percentage to the factors that most heavily influence your purchase decisions?
Performance - 20%
Price - 20%
Aesthetics - 15%
Brand Reputation -15%
Discounts and Promotions - 0%
Professional Reviews - 15%
Personal Recommendations -0%
Other (please describe) -15%
Third party or reputed professional measurements heavily weigh in to my decision for purchasing equipment. I do not buy equipment without measurements of some form or the other. After that price to performance and reputation play a huge role in purchase decisions.
2) When it comes to your home theater, which component provides the best access to "streaming" content and why? Be sure to provide the make and model of your go-to "streaming" device.
my smart TV
my Blu-ray Player
my gaming system
my stand alone streaming device (Apple TV, Roku, etc.)
None, I prefer the shiny round stuff
I have two devices that I enjoy for streaming
1) Netgear NTV 550 - I use this for streaming all my blu-ray HD /multichannel music on my file server. Somewhat buggy but I am not sure the alternatives are that much better.
2) Roku - I use this for streaming all other materials from the internet.
3) What new product or product category would you most like to see offered by Outlaw? Why?
I am not very aware of outlaw products in general, you can call that my ignorance I guess. From your website; it looks like you already have an extensive list of products. I would focus on improving your existing products.
For your subwoofer you could consider offering and beefier amp and/or driver.
Another thought might be a sealed subwoofer with a 15"/18" driver . I don't really see any options for a 18" sealed from most ID companies and is one place you could capture some market share
A high power subwoofer plate amplifier might be another option.
Given the question on streaming devices: I am still looking for a good streaming device that will handle everything gracefully and be stable as well, but apparently that device does not exist yet. That is something that would be of interest, but requires significant investment.