Outlaw Contest
Contest Questions:
Please answer the below questions by replying to this thread and we will pick the winners randomly which will be announced on the Audioholics facebook fan page (facebook.com/audioholics) and in this thread.
How these questions are answered will not increase nor decrease the chances of winning.
1) Out of 100%, please assign a percentage to the factors that most heavily influence your purchase decisions?
Performance 40%
Price 40%
Aesthetics 1%
Brand Reputation 8%
Discounts and Promotions 0%
Professional Reviews 8%
Personal Recommendations 1%
Other (please describe)
2) When it comes to your home theater, which component provides the best access to "streaming" content and why? Be sure to provide the make and model of your go-to "streaming" device. (I have several streaming options and I use Roku the most, simple easy to use).
my smart TV (Sharp LC-70C6400U 70)
my Blu-ray Player (PS3)
my gaming system (PS3)
my stand alone streaming device (Apple TV, Roku, etc.) (PS3, TV, & Roku)
other (PC)
None, I prefer the shiny round stuff (NA)
3) What new product or product category would you most like to see offered by Outlaw? Why? Nothing they offer most of what I need/want, maybe a matrix switch...