Home theater processor survey
Contest Questions: When selecting a home theater processor, please rate the followings features in order of importance to you. Please explain why you chose the order you did.
1. Price
2. Sound quality
3. Extensive signal handling and switching
4. HDMI switching
5. Video processing and scaling
6. Automatic set loudspeaker set up
I would want any home theater processor to be state-of-the-art for both audio and video processing but without the "high-end" cost (e.g., the Athem Statement D2 comes to mind). Frankly, it it's not "affordable," then it's nothing more than wishful eye and ear candy for all but well-heeled customers (not me).
Anyone bothering with audio separates should insist on great sound quality, the primary goal of a separates approach.
I would include HDMI switching as part of feature 3, extensive signal handling and switching, which should also include a Firewire input for some flagship universal players with that kind of output.
Despite its fifth ranking, I would put video processing and scaling on par with features 3 and 4 because even current HDTVs often times have such poor video processing capabilities. A typical case in point is trying to watch standard definition programming on a fixed-pixel, HDTV-capable, non-flaghip model TV (for its size and price point) without the benefit of a stand-alone video processor.