1. Price
2. Video processing and scaling
3. Sound quality
4. Extensive signal handling and switching
5. HDMI switching
6. Automatic set loudspeaker set up
No matter what kind of insane abilities a system may posses, if I can't afford it, then what good is it? Price comes first.
Sound is important, but I need to have video processing and scaling that is beyond human. Why? Because the industry is determined to screw the customer over by not settling on a standard. No way I'm going to buy the same movie for HD/BD/DVD and whatever new hair-brained format the industry decides to set tomorrow. As a result, until the dust settles, I want scalers that can do a good job of upscaling/downscaling video.
I also want the best quality de-interlacers to handle 1080i broadcasts. I feel that given the sad state of affairs mentioned above, video processing/scaling is super important.
Sound quality is extremely important as well, but for reasons explained above, I feel that video processing takes precedence (I can already see the forum members trying to ban me
Signal handling comes next since every format comes with a different set of restrictions whereby some handle 5.1 channels of sound, some don't or handle it with only 2 channels etc, etc. Another fine mess. So at the very least give us inputs so that we can sort this out ourselves and get connectivity which allows us to enjoy our HT in all it's glory.
HDMI switching will become more important...if they can ever settle on the damn spec. So I just bought a TV and already HDMI 1.3 is ready to come out offering more bandwidth allowing for 1080p/60 and more sound channels and world peace. If more components start offering HDMI, then switching becomes more important....but definitely takes a back-seat to the others.
Auto setup is great for the n00bs, but being a n00b myself I put this last because hell, if it came down to you the manufacturer not being able to make a better video scaler because you had to devote resources for auto-setup, I'll learn how to do it myself!!! What I CANNOT do myself is to de-interlace 1080i flawlessly.
So this is my ranking. Sorry if the frustration shows through!