Emotiva XPA-2 Two Channel Amplifier Review


Ron Temple

Senior Audioholic
I'm seriously looking at getting the XPA-3 for my mains/center (plus a BD-550) running off of my VSX-1015...Christmas is just around the corner. Are the caps in the XPA-3 wired in a similar manner as the XPA-2?
I don't have the technical details, but I believe the XPA-3 is the same topology as the XPA-5. The XPA-2 is a different animal.


Audioholic Samurai
What's with the fancy fan looking display on the RPA-2? How does the XPA-2 compare to the RPA-2 in power and price?


What's with the fancy fan looking display on the RPA-2? How does the XPA-2 compare to the RPA-2 in power and price?
The RPA-2 has conventional analog meters. The XPA-2 uses linear LED's as the meter.

The XPA-2 is a beast compared to the RPA-2. A lot more power and weighs probably twice as much.


Audioholic Jedi
The XPA-2 that was used for this review was auctioned off for charity at the 2008 Audioholics SOTU party...
I can't believe that I missed this for so long. :eek:

Congrats, Rick!!! Way to go. Nice to see a regular win a big prize.


I wonder how this amp compares to the likes of the adcom amps of the 80's? I had four GFA-5500's and they had gobs of power.


Audioholics Master Chief
They're rebadged Parasounds.

Big deal...
Um actually you may have it in reverse. That being the case, Parasound makes some great amps so if it were true, man that would be a heck of a bargain.

Emotiva manufacturers amps for MANY prestigious brands. You would be surprised how small this industry really is.

I note by your post count that you're a troll. Hmm :rolleyes:


Audioholic Spartan
I can't believe that I missed this for so long. :eek:
You and me both.

I don't even remember getting my picture taken.
As for the stupid look on my face.....that's the look I was going for.:D

Congrats, Rick!!! Way to go. Nice to see a regular win a big prize.

Thanks Adam, and Major!
I rarely win anything, and technically my wife bid on the XPA-2.
(that was after I stood by the amp and made sad puppy eyes, until she bid on it);)

Anyone that missed this show, really lost out on a great time, and a very well done event.



First post here, though I have been reading a lot of stuff here.

I have had the XPA-2 since mid August. This amp is simply amazing. Brought my Snell Type-E II's to a whole new level and with the sale they are having it's got to be the deal of the year. I am drooling over the XPA-1's now....man this hobby is fun.

Loved how the moderators jumped in and called out greatdane1.....


Emotiva manufacturers amps for MANY prestigious brands. You would be surprised how small this industry really is.
This is so true. I've been in the Emotiva offices and lab. I won't say names, but the brand names in the warehouse would surprise a bunch of folks.


Care to back that claim up?
It is a claim that is not denied by Emotiva staff in their forums. I would post a link to the forum post, but I can't post a link since I have less than 5 posts.


It is a claim that is not denied by Emotiva staff in their forums. I would post a link to the forum post, but I can't post a link since I have less than 5 posts.
Correction, if I remember correctly we never made any comment to confirm or deny anything. The person on our forum was talking about the similarities between the Parasound and our amps and yes they are similar in certain aspects but in the end they are different animals. :)

2 Channel Audio

Hello All,

This is my first post here and I'm extremely happy to be aboard. I just had to jump in on this thread as I have owned the RSP-1/RPA-1 combo for about a year now.

The RPA may not have the balls of the XPA but don't short change the RPA on sound quality. It is a an extremely detailed and quiet amplifier. It also has plenty of output for my listening space.

I can't speak from experience between the 2 amps but see no need to upgrade to the XPA-2 for more power. The meters on my RPA-1 rarely go above 1/3 of the way and it is plenty loud. Loud enough that I can only play it at that level when I'm home alone.

I trust that the XPA-2 is an excellent amplifier and that if I hadn't already purchased the RPA and enjoyed listening to it so much that I probably would jump on the XPA-2 ship.

Keep Up The Great Work Emotiva. ;)



Senior Audioholic
XPA-2 Just ordered

Hey guys. With all the good things I've heard about this Amp, I just ordered it to power my B&W 802's. I'm going to keep my Yamaha Z3900 and use it as a Pre/Pro as well as to power my center and rears. I'm really looking forward to getting this Amp. I'll let you all know my thoughts if you care to hear...

My next move is to purchase the Oppo Blu-Ray/SACD/DVD player when it's released. I'll be able to shed 2 components and save some space. My Denon 3910 and my Sony Blu-Ray S300... :D


A difficult choice


I just got approval from Emotiva to auction my XPA-2 test sample at our SOTU event with all proceeds going to the non profit organization National Center for Conservation & Science Policy (NCCSP), I just lugged the amp into my van and bringing it over to the hotel in preparation for our event on Oct 23rd. I also included a print out of my bench test results.

I read both reviews on the RPA-1 and the XPA-2. I will need one of these amps to compliment my XPA-3! I have B&W 804 standard fronts and currently a Denon 3803 with a DVD VP20 which will change in the near future.

I listen to rock music, windam hill, some jazz, and some classical but mainly rock from several genre's! I almost always listen in stereo and do not use the direct or other format options.

My unit also serves as HT but we may watch 2 movies a month but that may change with Blu-Ray.

I have longed to have a system that could sound really good at moderate volume and wondered if it were you.......which amp would you choose and why.....???????


Hey guys. With all the good things I've heard about this Amp, I just ordered it to power my B&W 802's. I'm going to keep my Yamaha Z3900 and use it as a Pre/Pro as well as to power my center and rears. I'm really looking forward to getting this Amp. I'll let you all know my thoughts if you care to hear...

My next move is to purchase the Oppo Blu-Ray/SACD/DVD player when it's released. I'll be able to shed 2 components and save some space. My Denon 3910 and my Sony Blu-Ray S300... :D
I would be most interested in your review on the XPA-2. Our speakers are not close though and I envy your acquisition. I think as you play music you have played a hundred times that you will start hearing details that you had not noticed before! It really made music listening fun again!:D


Senior Audioholic
I'm looking forward to that. It's on its way, so I should have it by weeks end. By the way, BlueJeansCable has impressed me quite a bit. I ordered interconnects on Friday evening. Since they are on the west coast, they shipped them the same day. I got them today. I was totally shocked. Nice service and the cables seem to be high quality... I'm looking forward to using them.

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