Indentured servitude - Wikipedia
Indeed, "some" did not go voluntarily into indentured servitude, but were far outnumbered by those who did. Regardless, discussion of the circumstances leading to this status is a digression from my point - which is that slavery wasn't "justified" by proponents because free people weren't willing to take the jobs.
I'm a bit familiar with it- my 10th great grandfather was indentured and the info wa passed down.
I'm really tired of the "they do work that the Americans don't want to do", but from the standpoint of telling those Americans "Get off your ass and get a GD job!". So many think they're so effing special that manual labor is beneath them and these aren't middle-income or wealthy people, they're low income, uneducated/dropped out and sit on their butts or go into crime. Kids who get into trouble are frequently asked "Did you graduate" and they say "I dropped out because there was nothing for me in school". Yeah, there is- a way out of poverty. Then, they want $20/hour minimum wage, which is more than many skilled labor jobs pay.
I know several people who came to the US illegally and became citizens or are in the process- they came here to work, but some have gotten into trouble but they weren't a part of an organized crime gang, cartel, etc- they just drank far too much and got into a lot of fights.
That said, we need to check out who's coming across the border into the US, your country or any other. Not doing that is causing problems in all countries that allow it. The process shouldn't be a burden to anyone with a clean record, but it should weed out the bad ones, from any country.