Hi guys
Right, well to be blunt and clear, I have a low income but really want a rack mount setup, so trying to be as cheap as possible, for now, Until money improves so that i can upgrade...
I have been looking at the Ekho SX-250 Power Amp,
Which is forsale for £90..
It is said to be:
2x 170w RMS @ 4 ohm load
2x 340w MAX @ 4 ohm load
2x 140w RMS @ 8 ohm load
2x 280w MAX @ 8 ohm load..
for the price, it looks pretty good, doesnt look like its cheap tat.
But i was wondering if anyone knows anything about these? or even owns one at all? Getting opinions from personal owners would be fantastic...
I am looking at buying two of these, Bi-Amped, one for bass drivers and one for Trebble drivers..