DVD Multi Disc Player



Audioholic General
Took back my Yamaha C750. A cd got stuck and i was within 2 days for money back and jumped on it. You cant move the tray to load each disc and it was tough to get the ones in the back and to be truthful,i'm not sold on SACD and DVD-A. But i got a CD in DTS Surround and i'm sold on that. So i need a good changer around 400 bucks. Dont care if its multi-channel but if i had to get one,it would be SACD. Anything good to say on the Onkyo 802 or Denon 2815 or 3700. Something better?


Full Audioholic
I don't know about the audio but the 802 has the worst video from a reputable electronics company. You would probably get better video performance from a $39.00 BB special. The 2815 has really good video for price but doesn't play sacd only dvd-a.


Audioholic Chief
I just finished a review of the 750 and I had no such trouble
I can say that the analog audio performance of this player is excellent at this price point To date I have heard no Sony under $1000 that can match the 750's analog I have heard good things about the Denon but have not had the opportunity to review it yet


Audioholic General
Well you reviewed it but it had and used it for 28 days. When playing cd's,it auto goes to Pl and when the drawer comes out,there isnt a disc skip to rotate the slots so you have to slip the ones in the back under part of the frame. Audio and Video was fine. Very slow at changing disc's but most changers are. This ones is a bit more.


Audioholic Chief
I do agree that it is a bit cumbersome and I noted that in the review
However I did not have the problem with the unit auto revert to PLII
I have installed a couple of these and had no such problem
I am assuming you were using the digital connection only and no analog
Connections from the L/R mixed. I will be installing one tomorrow and will check to see if that unit has the problem with a direct digital connection only


Yamaha vs. Sony

I'll be interested to hear the outcome of the installation. I'm trying to decide between the Yamaha 750 and the Sony DVP-NC555ES. Analog quality is important to me (I still have a turntable, a lot of LPs, and I listen to them frequently; in fact, I have more LPs than available hi-rez discs), so if the 750 truly beats the Sony on analog quality, are there other reasons to consider the Sony, especially for the extra $$$?


Audioholic General
I had the dig hooked up and the 6 analogs hooked up on the C750. I'm not saying its a bad machine but a few things bothered me enough and i already had it at WOW to get the stuck disc out and felt it would happen again because of no disc skip i went ahjead and returned it. I just got the Sony DVPNC555ES and can not see any difference in video but the audio is as good or better. Much more of a solid built. Also i think ES has a 5 year warr which is always nice. Havent found many reviews but the few i read were all good.


Thanks. A five year warranty is nice. Doesn't seem like there are many reviews out there, so it's great to get some feedback.


Sony vs Yamaha

I have a Yamaha DVD-C920 and am considering picking up the Sony 555es from a local dealer for $200, is the Sony worth the extra money or is the Yamaha (about 21/2 years old) good enough? Do like the additional warranty though.


what caused the disk to jam - human error or does the machine just eat cds?

also - what happened with the installation? i've yet to hear anyone acknowledge and solve the pl quirk.

thanks to both of you - matt


Audioholic General
Human error i'm sure but the drawer doesnt come out all the way and with no disc skip,you have to slip the disc in slightly under the face plate. You cant slove the pl quirk,it the way Yamaha made it. The sony 555 i got,boy its build like a tank and smooth. Track chang is fast. Disc change is at least avg. Picture and sound is first rate.


I tried the player out at store and saw the upsampling reverting back, however I didn't notice the player going to PL mode. I was listening through the analog outs set to multi channel. Is there an indicator that lights on the player for PL?


Full Audioholic
Have you considered the onkyo dv cp802 changer unit. It has 7.1 outputs and plays dvd a and sacd. I am not a professional but I test drove a denon 2910 for about 10 days and I personally did not see much of a difference but did not do a a/b comparison. I was told by the onkyo tech that the internals are the same as the discontinued 800 single disc that was thx ultra.


Audioholic Intern
I've got both the 750 (2 months) & the 555ES (14 months). I bought the 750 for DVD-A & it sounds awesome. I actually haven't compared the SACD of the 2 players (my initial out of the test box of SACD didn't seem to be better then the 555, but then I didn't give it much of a chance). I plan to do an SACD comparison this weekend & I will reply on Monday.

The things I don't like about the Yamaha (which are minimal compared to how much I love the DVD-A sonically) are:
the remote
no dedicated fast forward button (you have to hold down the track button),
loading (someone else mentioned this, I get around it by using the exchange
feature rather then the open feature, you can't get all 5 out at the same
time, but you have easier access to the 4 you can. When you press the
open button 2 of the discs are awkward to get out).
DVD-A discs do not auto advance to the next disc when done (this kind of
defeats the purpose of it being a changer)

This unit was bought to replace a Mitsubishi DVD-A that had varying problems with 5 discs in my collection. It was purchased 2 days before Christmas when the store was out of all single disc players that I really wanted. Driving home I had plans to return this unit for a single disc player after a couple of weeks. After hooking it up I was blown away with the audio quality of DVD-A's I've been listening to for the last 3 years on the Mits. I went throught most of my collection the next day and was amazed at the difference. There are times I hear things I've never heard before. I realized a return was now unwarrented.

I used to be much more of an SACD fan. DVD-A sounded great, but I wasn't WOW'D like I was with most SACDs. While I still prefer SACD, with this player DVD-A it is not as discernible of difference as it used to be for me. I will let you know what this weekends test reveals. Of course all the above is IMHO and I hope both formats are around for decades to come.


Audioholic General
I'd like to see whgat you think. I had the 750 for almost a month and returned it and now i have the 555ES. The sony is built like a tank. Changes disc's faster and the audio and video is as good as the Yamaha. How is it with the 750 going to pl everytime you play a cd? It kinda bothered me as did having no disc skip for easy exchange. The 750 is pretty darn good gor 300 bucks. The Sony was only another 100 bucks or so.


diskman - glad to hear good things about the 750 - should get one soon - how is redbook (rays review glowed) and how long from load time to music time on cds (or hi-rez formats for that matter). pl can be disengaged by the audio button on remote right? - but thats so wierd to design it like that - there's a high focus on the player for music right? can you hear an improvment with the upsampling? thanks in advance for all the info - matt


Audioholic General
For me,upsampling did nothing. Its not a fast changer and yes,you just push the audio button,every time you change disc's,weather the changer does it or you change it. Its pretty good at both audio of all kinds and video for 300 bucks.


C750 versus S1500

Has anyone compared the C750 to the S1500? I don't care about having a disc changer, and was wondering if the audio / video is significantly better on the S1500. Also, I read that on the S1500 you have to switch to the two channel stereo analog input instead of the six channel input to not get prologic on redbook CDs, don't know if this might be the same issue on the C750.

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