Dr Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness



Audioholic Slumlord
Saw it in D-BOX today, f#%kin’ good time!
I really liked it too.

The ending climax with zombie Strange was epic! It might now be one of my favorite action scenes ever in a Marvel movie, and that's in a franchise already loaded with awesome moments. Wanda crawling through the reflection in that gong Rings-style was pretty epic too.

I can't help but feel like they're trying to redeem Wanda somehow but I think it's far too late for that. She done murdered a bunch of people for her own selfish personal gain. There ain't no coming back or escaping consequences after that. As far as I'm concerned she's a full on villain now. And no, I ain't buying that she's dead. It's Marvel. They're not dead unless you see the body, and even then it might not stick, lol.


Audioholic Spartan
Just keep your expectations tempered. It's not the next big Infinity War crossover event that some thought it might be. It's a self contained Dr Strange story. A pretty good one tho.
Noted Pogre thanks although I love Sam Raime and I'm happy with a off beat story like this I loved Dr Strange growing up and liked the first movie so I should like this one too. Honestly the Infinity War was epic but I'm ready for just some good stories. Let the next story arc build itself up


Senior Audioholic
This movie was......disappointing. It did absolutely nothing to advance the story line of Phase 4 (much like No Way Home). It felt like a filler movie, and a step back to be honest. I'm hard pressed to even call it a Dr. Strange movie. IMO it shat all over the end of WandaVision (and where is Vision BTW?)

Two MCU movies in a row where they seem to have completely forgotten how Dr. Strange has developed as a character since his first movie. His arrogance (that he seemed to lose during Infinity War and Endgame) is now back in full force?

I'm not going to say this movie was terrible. But I gave it a 6/10, and a 6.5 would be stretching it IMO. The fan service in the middle of the movie was the only redeeming part about it. Otherwise, I'd have given it an even lower score.

The Marvel Disney + TV shows on the other hand are killing it. The writing is phenomenal. The production value is great. And with ~6 hrs of air time, they can really develop the characters and story. I'd not be opposed to them just making TV series instead of movies from here on out.


Audioholic Spartan
Some of these movies will please more than others with “Eternals” being the one Marvel movie I’d call a piece of s#%t. Steven Strange hasn’t really become that humble and is still dealing with the Christine thing and Wong being Sorcerer Supreme. He’s been a d#%k far more years than a sorcerer and old habits die hard.

Sure, Wanda went f#%kin” cray cray but the silly girl didn’t know s#%t about anything until Aggie schooled her and then she goes and f#%ks with that book. How could it end well? Oh, and she’s not really gone so that shouldn’t trouble anybody.

I am liking the shows as well, but each had filler episodes and could have been condensed into a movie to be honest. And where exactly are those stories supposed to go after the final episodes? At least the shows are going forward and not constantly looking back like “Star Wars.”

They need to get FF and XM off the ground already so we can get to the f#%kin’ Secret Wars. How ‘bout some love for Alpha Flight? Let’s hurry this s#%t up. Oh, and Vision. Yeah, the f#%kin’ tin man should have been back for his witch before the WandaVision credits rolled. Stupid synth.:rolleyes:

If these movies and shows have some people tossing and turning in bed at night, just know that these characters may actually exist as you’d like them in another universe.;) Oh, and go see all of these movies in D-BOX. Those seats make up for a lot when the movies fall short.:p


Audioholic Slumlord
This movie was......disappointing. It did absolutely nothing to advance the story line of Phase 4 (much like No Way Home). It felt like a filler movie, and a step back to be honest. I'm hard pressed to even call it a Dr. Strange movie. IMO it shat all over the end of WandaVision (and where is Vision BTW?)

Two MCU movies in a row where they seem to have completely forgotten how Dr. Strange has developed as a character since his first movie. His arrogance (that he seemed to lose during Infinity War and Endgame) is now back in full force?

I'm not going to say this movie was terrible. But I gave it a 6/10, and a 6.5 would be stretching it IMO. The fan service in the middle of the movie was the only redeeming part about it. Otherwise, I'd have given it an even lower score.

The Marvel Disney + TV shows on the other hand are killing it. The writing is phenomenal. The production value is great. And with ~6 hrs of air time, they can really develop the characters and story. I'd not be opposed to them just making TV series instead of movies from here on out.
I think you make a couple of fair points. I have a bit of an issue with the fact that doc Strange is suddenly kind of a screw up and a bit miffed that he's not the Sorcerer Supreme anymore but he does go through a complete arc by the end of the movie and it does actually push a lot of things forward and opens up a ton of possibilities for phase 4. The incursions and Secret Wars are clearly going to be the next big focus and that's a huge storyline from the comics.
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Audioholic General
I really liked it too.

The ending climax with zombie Strange was epic! It might now be one of my favorite action scenes ever in a Marvel movie, and that's in a franchise already loaded with awesome moments. Wanda crawling through the reflection in that gong Rings-style was pretty epic too.

I can't help but feel like they're trying to redeem Wanda somehow but I think it's far too late for that. She done murdered a bunch of people for her own selfish personal gain. There ain't no coming back or escaping consequences after that. As far as I'm concerned she's a full on villain now. And no, I ain't buying that she's dead. It's Marvel. They're not dead unless you see the body, and even then it might not stick, lol.
Saw it on Friday and really liked it. Solid 8/10 for me. I’m a Sam Rami fan so loved seeing all his staples in this movie.
I really hope that Disney releases a Rami cut when it hits physical disc or they put it on Disney+.


Senior Audioholic
Also, as someone else said, the sound mixing for this movie was terrible. I saw it in the Ultra AVX theater here. The voices were quiet, and there was no bass at all.

I was also disappointed with who the main villain was. They kept hinting at a bigger bad guy, and even dropped the name multiple times throughout the movie. I thought it was going to be a big reveal at the end that he was pulling the strings the entire time, but it all came to naught.

Just disappointing on so many levels, especially after waiting a full extra year for this movie to come out. Of the 5 movies to come out in Phase 4 thus far, I'd say that 2 have been OK/good (Shang-Chi & Eternals) and 3 have been subpar/terrible (Black Widow, Spider-Man and Dr. Strange).

So far the trailers I've seen for Thor haven't exactly wowed me either.


Audioholic Spartan
I may have missed something, but in which film exactly was Strange ever confirmed to be the Sorcerer Supreme? He called himself the master of the mystique arts and was master of the New York sanctum but I don’t think he ever became SS before the snap. Things are different elsewhere of course but I don’t believe the main MCU timeline Strange ever actually got the job. It’s assumed he became the SS between his first outing and Infinity War but it is never actually confirmed. Just one of many ambiguities in the MCU.

Watch any MCU movie again featuring Strange and be reminded that he’s still learning and still a d#%k. He wasn’t exactly kind to Thor when they met. He and Stark went back and forth like only two d#%ks can because they were both d#%ks. Yeah, the very intelligent are often also very arrogant and those two ended up trying to clean up messes of their own making.

These movies are enjoyable for the most part but are loosely based adaptations of the comics and can even contradict themselves at times as new characters come into the fold. Just watch them for what they are and consider what has been established on film rather than compare them to the comics or always be disappointed.

I liked “Shang-Chi” and have watched it more times than I can count. It looks amazing on this new TV. I’m still holding to “Eternals” being the worst of the lot and it’s the one Marvel movie I have never and will never watch again. I went into that one with no expectations and it still sucked. But, that’s just me.

Seriously though, how could anybody be that let down? Wanda slaughtered mercilessly and with style and made you understand why Aggie was so concerned with who and what she was to become and Strange manipulated a f#%kin’ corpse of himself from another universe and made a cloak from a bunch of dark spirits. Holy s#%t, what more do you want?:D Perhaps Disney’s marketing led some down a road the movie itself was not going to take them.

This D-Bag still recommends D-BOX for Marvel movie watching to enhance the experience should things go south on the screen. Hell, I even watched “Jack Ass Forever” in D-BOX. I nearly passed out and pissed myself laughing while being bounced around in that chair. Good times.


Audioholic Slumlord
I may have missed something, but in which film exactly was Strange ever confirmed to be the Sorcerer Supreme?
He became the Sorcerer Supreme after The Ancient One died in his first movie. She was the Sorcerer Supreme at that time and when she died the Spirit of Vishanti passed from her to him. The Vishanti are an ethereal, ancient, magical godlike race of aliens who are the source of all the sorcerers' power. That's the book they were after in the movie, "The Book of Vishanti". That contains all of their collective knowledge and spells.

Then when he battled Dormamu by trapping him in a time loop it's implied that it may have gone on thousands of times before Dormamu gave up, and in the process Strange became a very capable Sorcerer himself through so much repetition. He basically leveled up big time in his fight with Dormamu.

Wanda is different. She's The Scarlet Witch and witches derive their power from Chthon, an extradimensional demon, and his book is the Darkhold. Wanda is basically Chthon's "Sorcerer Supreme". I think those demons in that temple drew a little inspiration from Chthon in the comics.


When Strange got snapped the spirit of the Vishanti left him and passed on to Wong. Technically Wong should be more powerful than Strange now because the spirit gives the Sorcerer Supreme a pretty big boost in the comics. It doesn't look like they went with that in the movie tho because Strange seemed just as powerful as Wong, if not more.


Audioholic Slumlord
Watch any MCU movie again featuring Strange and be reminded that he’s still learning and still a d#%k. He wasn’t exactly kind to Thor when they met. He and Stark went back and forth like only two d#%ks can because they were both d#%ks. Yeah, the very intelligent are often also very arrogant and those two ended up trying to clean up messes of their own making.
Yup. I pretty much agree. I don't think he was that far off character at all. He's always come across as a slightly more arrogant Tony Stark, imo. He cold shouldered Spidey and refused to thank Tony for saving him from Ebony Maw. Then flat told Tony that he wouldn't hesitate to let him and Spidey die to protect the time stone. Doc Strange was a straight up self important, arrogant prick about the whole thing.

Seriously though, how could anybody be that let down? Wanda slaughtered mercilessly and with style and made you understand why Aggie was so concerned with who and what she was to become and Strange manipulated a f#%kin’ corpse of himself from another universe and made a cloak from a bunch of dark spirits. Holy s#%t, what more do you want?:D Perhaps Disney’s marketing led some down a road the movie itself was not going to take them
Im with ya man. I thought it was a lot of fun and wasn't disappointed. It's not meant to be a big crossover event or set up anything major, but it did introduce a few key concepts that are definitely going to have a huge impact on upcoming events. Remember, they didn't even introduce Thanos or the stones as a concept until what..? Age of Ultron and Guardians of the Galaxy, right? We're only 2 or 3 movies into phase 4. This is gonna be another ten year buildup event, and it's just screaming Secret Wars.
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Audioholic General
Also, as someone else said, the sound mixing for this movie was terrible. I saw it in the Ultra AVX theater here. The voices were quiet, and there was no bass at all.

I was also disappointed with who the main villain was. They kept hinting at a bigger bad guy, and even dropped the name multiple times throughout the movie. I thought it was going to be a big reveal at the end that he was pulling the strings the entire time, but it all came to naught.

Just disappointing on so many levels, especially after waiting a full extra year for this movie to come out. Of the 5 movies to come out in Phase 4 thus far, I'd say that 2 have been OK/good (Shang-Chi & Eternals) and 3 have been subpar/terrible (Black Widow, Spider-Man and Dr. Strange).

So far the trailers I've seen for Thor haven't exactly wowed me either.
It being a Disney movie, the ATMOUSE is going to blow. Bass will be subpar. But overall picture quality will be top notch.

I liked the movie. Doctor Strange is a great character and I can't wait to see what he does next.

I'm opposite of you. Eternals is by far the worst "Marvel" movie ever made. Worse than Thor 2. By a mile. I would put Shang-chi and Black Widow on the same page both 7/10 for me. They're good, but not great. The latest Spidey movie was great. I gave it a 8/10 which is the same I gave Doc Strange 2.


Audioholic Slumlord
It being a Disney movie, the ATMOUSE is going to blow. Bass will be subpar. But overall picture quality will be top notch.

I liked the movie. Doctor Strange is a great character and I can't wait to see what he does next.

I'm opposite of you. Eternals is by far the worst "Marvel" movie ever made. Worse than Thor 2. By a mile. I would put Shang-chi and Black Widow on the same page both 7/10 for me. They're good, but not great. The latest Spidey movie was great. I gave it a 8/10 which is the same I gave Doc Strange 2.

Hey, it looks like you and I are mostly on the same page with Marvel. I agree with you about Eternals, Shang-Chi and BW too. I'm also looking forward to more Dr Strange. I'm hoping he gets back to being SS eventually, but don't have any major problems with Wong. He's a great character too and I wouldn't wanna see see him get bumped off for it to happen, but really the title belongs to Strange.


Audioholic Spartan
He became the Sorcerer Supreme after The Ancient One died in his first movie. She was the Sorcerer Supreme at that time and when she died the Spirit of Vishanti passed from her to him. The Vishanti are an ethereal, ancient, magical godlike race of aliens who are the source of all the sorcerers' power. That's the book they were after in the movie, "The Book of Vishanti". That contains all of their collective knowledge and spells.

Then when he battled Dormamu by trapping him in a time loop it's implied that it may have gone on thousands of times before Dormamu gave up, and in the process Strange became a very capable Sorcerer himself through so much repetition. He basically leveled up big time in his fight with Dormamu.

Wanda is different. She's The Scarlet Witch and witches derive their power from Chthon, an extradimensional demon, and his book is the Darkhold. Wanda is basically Chthon's "Sorcerer Supreme". I think those demons in that temple drew a little inspiration from Chthon in the comics.

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When Strange got snapped the spirit of the Vishanti left him and passed on to Wong. Technically Wong should be more powerful than Strange now because the spirit gives the Sorcerer Supreme a pretty big boost in the comics. It doesn't look like they went with that in the movie tho because Strange seemed just as powerful as Wong, if not more.
Um, no. The movies aren't following the comics. Watch the last scene in the first "Dr. Strange" movie. Wong says "Word of the Ancient One's death will spread through the Multiverse. Earth has no Sorcerer Supreme to defend it. We must be ready." Steven was not the Sorcerer Supreme at the end of that movie and still is not so. Steven put the Eye of Agamotto back on its stand and Wong said it was wise to do so. He is seen wearing it in Thor 3 but does not call himself Sorcerer Supreme but the "Master of the Mystic Arts" as he does again in Infinity War. He was not the Sorcerer Supreme.


Audioholic Slumlord
Um, no. The movies aren't following the comics. Watch the last scene in the first "Dr. Strange" movie. Wong says "Word of the Ancient One's death will spread through the Multiverse. Earth has no Sorcerer Supreme to defend it. We must be ready." Steven was not the Sorcerer Supreme at the end of that movie and still is not so. Steven put the Eye of Agamotto back on its stand and Wong said it was wise to do so. He is seen wearing it in Thor 3 but does not call himself Sorcerer Supreme but the "Master of the Mystic Arts" as he does again in Infinity War. He was not the Sorcerer Supreme.
Hmm... you're right that it's not following the comics, but I did find this.

Its apparently confirmed by Marvel, specifically The Watcher from the "What If..?" series, which is canon for the MCU. To quote:

"according to voice-overs from the Watcher, an all-seeing being who is essentially the "Voice of God" in What If...?, this victory [over Dormamu] marked Strange as Sorcerer Supreme."

There's more to it tho and it's not rock solid airtight so...


Audioholic Spartan
Only in the universe of that episode of "What If...?" is that the case. This is not the case of the movie version of Strange.


Audioholic Slumlord
Only in the universe of that episode of "What If...?" is that the case. This is not the case of the movie version of Strange.
They don't give us enough either way, but it sets the precedent in that Strange achieved SS status in at least 1 universe during his battle with Dormamu, a battle that happened in both universes.


Audioholic Slumlord
I do admit I'm not as sure as I was. You got me to dig and you might be right. I made some assumptions from my comics knowledge and sometimes I mix them up.


Audioholic Spartan
For sure. He's supposed to get there. I just hope they don't slaughter Wong to get him there.

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