5.1 DTS guy said:
...my PS2 only has an optical audio out and my dvd player only has a coaxial out, so I have my dvd player connected to my cd input (which is coaxial) and my PS2 connected to my DVD input (which is optical). There is one more optical input and that is for my TV/cable box (but as of now I only have basic cable so I am using the analog inputs).
Ok. I've downloaded your manual, and you
can reassign the above noted inputs so that when you select DVD with the remote, the receiver will switch to the DVD player even though it's connected to the CD jack etc. Refer to page 44 of the manual. In the receivers menu, you will be able to assign the DVD
Input to the coaxial CD
jack and the PS2, through the optical DVD
jack, to the CD
Input. This assumes that you are happy to consider the PS2 as your CD player over your DVD player (though clearly both will play CDs equally well when using a digital connection). If not, simply assign as you prefer.
5.1 DTS guy said:
Anyways I set my receiver to Pro Logic II Music to play a Pro Logic II enabled game, and it still only showed a stereo signal on my receiver. I hear surround sound though (because my receiver decoded it seperately) but I'm just wondering if the receiver is suppose to receive more information.
As an example, I use the analogue lead from my Gamecube to my Yamaha (not a HTR-5830) receiver. The receiver correctly shows
only the two stereo 'speakers' on its display, but it also shows the Prologic II indicator lit up
even when not receiving a signal, as this is the decoder that I have set as default for the input that I use.
I am therefore convinced that your Yamaha should also show the PLII indicator too.
Go through the following checklist and see if the points have been met.
1. On page 26 of the manual, set the Input Mode to 'Auto' (I suspect you already have it there). This will result in the receiver AUTOmatically detecting and displaying the PCM indicator and, for any digital input, the little 'speaker' indicators on the display.
2. On page 28 of the manual, set the Decoder to 'Prologic II'. This should cause the 'PLII' indictor to light up on the display (even if the receiver isn't receiving an input signal).
5.1 DTS guy said:
I don't understand how a receiver can be intelligent like you guys have been talking about, and pick up the best signal or forget a signal.
All the receiver is doing is detecting how many signals it is receiving for a given input, and selecting what it has been told to by its electronics. Thus, if you happen to have analogue cables and a digital cable connected to say the CD jacks, the receiver will automatically give priority to the digital connection. Were you to pull the digital cable out, you would see the receiver's display switch off the PCM indicator, and the receiver to automatically (if Auto input was selected) switch to the analogue connection.
5.1 DTS guy said:
...the only thing my receiver picks up when playing a PL II game is that the audio is outputed via PCM. So basically, nothing is suppose to show up on my receiver automatically, and by me turning to PL II Music, I'm getting the best possible audio?
Refer to the checklist above. I'm convinced that once you set the Decoder to Prologic II, the indicator will light up regardless of whether or not a signal is actually present.
5.1 DTS guy said:
Anyways, on another note, is it okay for me to be inputting my dvd player audio through the CD input on my receiver (given I have no other choice). Is there any disadvantages of it? Everything sounds top-notch though.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with using any audio input for any component (though obviously not mixing analogue jacks with digital jacks etc), but for ease of use, it's handy to reassign the inputs to match the components. Refer above for help with this.