They are a JOKE! ZERO SCIENCE behind them. Built & sold by a great marketing campaign. Want to learn about vibration, do your research on what is used to isolate vibrations for MULTI- tonnage Air conditioning compressors, and or commercial refridgeration units. In most buildings, office, malls, stores, you never hear the 10 ton compressor above your head. Wonder why ? Isolators! And they sure aren't a formed piece of dense foam. Hint; Look at Cork & rubber, or if you want to get a little crazy, spring loaded isolators. Do some homework, you might find isolators that treat down to under 10Hz. How is that for isolatation. RPG Inc is one acoustical firm who sells these types of products, but unfortunatley not the public or small dealers.
Do some homework & you'll be happy. Stay away from SubDude type product